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Multiplayer spartan customization


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Bungie said that no people would have the same armor combination, then they added security.


Please add more armor so there would be no mainstream combination, each 1/5 match I see different people with the same armor.

It is similar but not always the same people do what they like that is the beauty of it and different playlists have a "look" to them where some armor that is common in one is hardly used in another.

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Of course the option of customization will be back. But Elites might not be, some other species might replace them if they're taking the more logical approach on this. Elites were enemies in Reach, so Invasion made sense. But in Halo 4, they're allies, and they were said that they probably won't be in the game (Frank O'Connor said Covenant weren't going to be in Halo 4, not Elites, but most likely both won't be). So possibly Forerunners will replace them, and also be customizable.

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Bungie said that no people would have the same armor combination, then they added security.


Please add more armor so there would be no mainstream combination, each 1/5 match I see different people with the same armor.

The people I constantly see are people with jorge's chest,both security shoulders,and GUNGIR or security helmet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you look at the armory and the available items from a "universe/reality based-standpoint" having hundreds of armor models and the resulting customization is unrealistic.

Not only is it a logistical obstacle for art teams but you have to think "how many corporations with military contracts would be producing hundreds of variants of armor let alone for MJOLNIR armor?"


So if you look back to the lore and setting of the conflict you'll get your answer.


Plus if you keep demanding more and more in terms of aesthetics you'll run into the problem with Pokemon... "Vanillish."lolVanillish.png

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I hope that they not only include more armor, but also armor on every single body part. For example, the utility was on only one side of the leg, but in Halo 4 they should have it on both sides. I hope they actually make a game mode, firefight, available without online required so you can get around 3k credits instead of 100 credits and all. I wish I could talk to the designers about what they should do. I'm such a Halo fan and I truly hope that the armor customization can be on the whole body rather than having the utility and arm wrist band on one side. I wish there were back packs and all that. OH YEA! Also whenever you make more armor PLEASE and I beg you PLEASE make each armor its own stats. For example, the bigger the armor, make it stronger, while the smaller the armor, make it weaker! It should be like that! I would appreciate that and it would make the Halo world so much different and FUN!!!!Plus people wouldn't have to worry why they die so easily because they would know why since they have weaker armor but also run faster while the biggest armor has the highest shield and health but walk slow and their jump is really low. I have so much more to talk about but I really hope someone will actually agree to this armor effect wearer use. Please 343 Industries! Please change the armor wearer use to how strong and weak it is but the weak also has its benefits as well.

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