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The Reaper- The Covenant Mantis

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The Covenant Reaper

The Covenant Reaper is a large tri-legged vehicle that is a few feet taller than the UNSC Mantis. It walks a little faster than the Mantis, and can turn in a full circle pretty fast. It has a front turret made to fight infantry and vehicles. It can hold on person.


(This is a very simple picture I drew of it.)

The Reaper would be a smaller version of the Scarab, and a different version of the Locust. The cockpit area looks like a Banshee without wings, and has a rotating platform below. Three big legs connect to the platform. The Reaper has one turret on the front. Underneath the Reaper is a ventilation shaft.
Like other Covenant vehicles, it is purple/pink, with some grey.

The turret on the Reaper shoots plasma bullets almost identicle to Concussion Rifle bullets. When you hold down the trigger, it charges and shoots a powerful blast almost like a Wraith bullet. After the big charge, the Reaper must cool down by the vent underneath it. At this time, it cannot move and is more vulnerable to attacks.

The Reaper moves around by three large legs, each having three claws to grab on to the ground. It cannot stomp on enemies like the Mantis, but when walking the legs can crush you. The Reaper will be the first vehicle to walk on walls. It can walk on any material up to a vertical slope. This might play a key part in the Halo 5 campaign as Master Chief might be surprise attacked by two Reapers climbing up the tower the Chief was on. The Reaper can last of all, squat down. This makes it about as high as a Mantis.

A downside to the Reaper is that it is weak. It doesn't have shields, and two plasma grenades stuck to the ventilation shaft will blow it up. If one of the Reaper's legs gets enough damage taken, the leg will break and the Reaper will fall and break. If damage is taken to the cockpit, than the entire top will explode, leaving the legs to collapse.

Techical Aspects:
Before anyone gets in the Reaper, it is crouched low enough so people can get in, lower than when it is squatting. You enter it from the back. Enemies can board the Reaper, but cannot hijack it. They plant a grenade in the back blowing it to smithereens.

Multiplayer Benefits:
Maps in Halo 5 could use this vehicle for a whole new version of gameplay. We have vehicles in the sky and on the ground, but now we have them on walls and high places. Forge builders could build great maps and minigames using the Reaper as it's main obstacle.

Why not just use the regular Locust? Well, Locusts would be too overpowered and not fun with a giant continuous laser blowing up everything. Reapers are an improved version, and after all, the humans weren't the only ones to make something new in four years.


Here is a better picture that I drew of it, this is more like concept art:


Wow, I'm already day dreaming about driving a Reaper, and climbing over Ragnarok's landscape like it was flat. So anyway, thanks for reading! I'd be happy if you helped me get this to 343 Industries attention. But if it isn't in Halo 5, there's always a Halo 6!

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A Covenant Mantis doesn't really fit, but...

How about a miniature Scarab? I don't know if it would be good for Multiplayer, but it would definitely be a really cool component in the Campaign. If you concentrated fire on a single leg, then that leg would be crippled and the mini-Scarab would have to do with three legs. I can just see it clinging to a rock face and raining down plasma mortars...

Btw I like your drawing.

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Thats the point, it is a variation of the Locust. The Locust in Halo Wars was like 25-30 years before Halo 4. So this one is different.


I like the idea if a leg gets desstroyed it gets crippled. Then it could be boarded/exploded (I dont know if this vehicle should be hijakable or you just blow it up).

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  • 3 weeks later...

i would just prefer the halo wars locust that can shoot streams of energy at long distances with a zoom able scope and its secondary overcharge ability and also an ability to leap which can double as a stomp but weaker and with both front legs. if they add vehicle perks in H5 then there could be an ability to hang from walls or ceilings but with enough explosive firepower or an EMP weapon it can come crashing down and lose a lot of health depending on the drop height. since it has shields two shots should be required to disable it with an EMP, the first shot breaks its shields. i think the locust should be shorter than the mantis and as long as a wraith. the rear entry hatch is a good idea and i like the deactive state but i don't think it should be open, getting inside should take time like the mantis

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like the idea, but I think the weapons need revising. Instead of a concussion rifle-style weapon coupled with a wraith blast, I think a pair of Plasma Cannons and a pair of one- or two-barreled Plasma Launchers that don't require charging could be better. It would also allow the Reaper to have shields. Finally, climbing vertical walls sounds cool, but makes no sense. Maybe make it so it can jump quite high/long instead? Also, a recommendation for both Mantis and Reaper: Sprint!!! :D Overall, though, excellent idea, and great drawing!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  On 1/18/2013 at 10:05 PM, NextHaloGeneration said:

The Covenant Reaper


The Covenant Reaper is a large tri-legged vehicle that is a few feet taller than the UNSC Mantis. It walks a little faster than the Mantis, and can turn in a full circle pretty fast. It has a front turret made to fight infantry and vehicles. It can hold on person.




(This is a very simple picture I drew of it.)


The Reaper would be a smaller version of the Scarab, and a different version of the Locust. The cockpit area looks like a Banshee without wings, and has a rotating platform below. Three big legs connect to the platform. The Reaper has one turret on the front. Underneath the Reaper is a ventilation shaft.

Like other Covenant vehicles, it is purple/pink, with some grey.



The turret on the Reaper shoots plasma bullets almost identicle to Concussion Rifle bullets. When you hold down the trigger, it charges and shoots a powerful blast almost like a Wraith bullet. After the big charge, the Reaper must cool down by the vent underneath it. At this time, it cannot move and is more vulnerable to attacks.



The Reaper moves around by three large legs, each having three claws to grab on to the ground. It cannot stomp on enemies like the Mantis, but when walking the legs can crush you. The Reaper will be the first vehicle to walk on walls. It can walk on any material up to a vertical slope. This might play a key part in the Halo 5 campaign as Master Chief might be surprise attacked by two Reapers climbing up the tower the Chief was on. The Reaper can last of all, squat down. This makes it about as high as a Mantis.



A downside to the Reaper is that it is weak. It doesn't have shields, and two plasma grenades stuck to the ventilation shaft will blow it up. If one of the Reaper's legs gets enough damage taken, the leg will break and the Reaper will fall and break. If damage is taken to the cockpit, than the entire top will explode, leaving the legs to collapse.


Techical Aspects:

Before anyone gets in the Reaper, it is crouched low enough so people can get in, lower than when it is squatting. You enter it from the back. Enemies can board the Reaper, but cannot hijack it. They plant a grenade in the back blowing it to smithereens.


Multiplayer Benefits:

Maps in Halo 5 could use this vehicle for a whole new version of gameplay. We have vehicles in the sky and on the ground, but now we have them on walls and high places. Forge builders could build great maps and minigames using the Reaper as it's main obstacle.



Why not just use the regular Locust? Well, Locusts would be too overpowered and not fun with a giant continuous laser blowing up everything. Reapers are an improved version, and after all, the humans weren't the only ones to make something new in four years.


Here is a better picture that I drew of it, this is more like concept art:



Wow, I'm already day dreaming about driving a Reaper, and climbing over Ragnarok's landscape like it was flat. So anyway, thanks for reading! I'd be happy if you helped me get this to 343 Industries attention. But if it isn't in Halo 5, there's always a Halo 6!


343i aren't ripping off Mass Effect.

I prefer my Reapers 2km tall at the biggest, not 10m tall at the biggest.

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