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why do i have to install the game to play matchmaking?!?!?


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righto so i bought the game and was excited to see what 343 has done to halo. then win i try to play the multiplayer it tells me to install the game to play, see this wouldn't be a problem for all of you that have new xboxs with the 250gb hard drive, but i sadly have an original xbox with a 25 gb hard drive! I only have 2gb left which is the exact amount of space that the installation is! so tell who was the person that thought this would be a good idea!! seriously 343 why is it there? and also the best thing about halo was the fact that it was fair in the terms of first in best dressed! now it what rank you are and what you have! if i wanted to play something like COD i would play COD but i want to play halo so great job on dropping the ball!!

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First of all. Mind your language, not appropriate at all.

Secondly the game was too big to put on one disk, so putting a installation disc is by far the smartest thing to do. If you're too ignorant to realise that, that's no one elses fault 'cept your own.


As for the CoD references. I'm not even bothering with you there.

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look thats not the point, the point is why did they not just put the multiplayer on the second disc instead of having to install it. i shouldn't have to go and buy any thing for the game other than the game. and what if i do delete something than not like I've just lost it for nothing, oh and don't tell me to mind my language because its blanked out any way so you don't have to read it princess!

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Because they can not fit it all on the disk. It would not be possible! They did not do it thinking "well this will make people mad...bwahahah", they did it because they had to. This game requires a lot more space to be played because they are trying to improve it.


Also how does this go from complaining about the space it takes up on your hard drive to playing COD over halo because they do not make you pay 5 bucks for a flash drive. Then COD makes you pay 60 bucks every time they want to resell the last game with new maps.

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all i did was delete some stuff.(i had the 4 gb xbox so i don't wanna hear it) not that big of a deal really, i went out and bought a 320gb hard drive a week later and installed all of my games on my hard drive. so its not that big of a deal

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i never said that i would play cod over halo i said if i wanted to play something LIKE cod i would play cod. i actually love halo 1- reach. but halo 4 tried to be something its not and as a result everything suffered. if they kept it so every one had the same guns it would be better. i went on matchmaking on a mates account to see if it was worth it, personally i dont think it is. as soon as i spawned i got mowed down instantly by some guy that had the saw! it didn't even give me a chance. now if it was halo 3 or reach I would have had a chance to kill him. its just no fun when they give the power weapons to some one at the start off the game to wreak havoc on people that are new to the game, and dont have anything other than an assault rifle. it use to be a battle for the power weapons now its like putting a chicken in the ring with a lion, you know the lions going to shred. and how big exactly is the multiplayer that it can't fit on its OWN disc?

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Well from my understanding, the discs dont hold much information compared to Blu-ray disks (which is why u still dont see 2 dics per game with PS). Not sure on the numbers but Blu-ray is at least double the memory (i guess).


Today...technology, information, graphics and simply put, quality has greatly improved. Take Halo for example. Look at the difference in graphics between each title. You will see that HALO 4 is a HUGE improvement over Reach (the last title). All of the extra boosts that 343i put into this game required more than the limited space available on a disc. Hence, 2 discs were needed. I'm sure if there were alternative solutions, they would have taken it. This, I'm sure, was the best solution. You have no right to talk "smack" to the creators when you have no background in game design/computer science, ect., ect. Understand the options available before complaining, because to 343i, you look like a child crying about not being able to eat dog sh** when they know its not the best (healthiest) option for you.


Thank you come again.

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You really should calm down and stop with the foul language. Sorry you are having issues, but in reality, you have a 20gb xbox, plenty big for Halo 4. I doubt EVERYTHING in that 20gbs is stuff you cant live without...if it is, you out grew your HD, get a bigger one. Its not 343i's fault you our grew it.

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