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Improvements for Halo 5


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This is my first time to write a topic on a forum, and ik hope it will be clear for all.


I've played like the rest of you Halo since Halo CE. It was a great time to play it when we were young.

Halo 4 also was a great game, especially for a new studio.

But it had some things that could be better, to get that Halo feeling.

I really hope that 343 will read this and I think a lot more think so.


Here are some things I would like to have changed.


- The Possibillty to play as an elite online/competitive mode.

- The Arbiter's return with some other elites. (This can be done because not all of the covenant were against the UNSC)

- Dual Wielding

- DMR/Battle Rifle should be weapon pickups, because Halo (in my opinion) was always about the close quaters combat. And not about the longrange ***** ****. The DMR/Battle rifle are way to powerful to have it as a starting weapon.

- The Maps are great, but there should be a balance between Open and Close enviroments. Halo 4 has maps that are way to open and you always die if you just take a walk out of a base.


I really really hope this will be read and understood by the people and maybe even by 343. Because this will make Halo a lot better in the opinion of a thousands.

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No offense but you sound like an in-experienced player.

Skill always beats luck...

Also not everybody here has played since CE!

Maps aren't too open it's just that you need to not walk in a straight line.

The DMR and BR are far from over-powered it's just that you are against people who have the skill to use it.

There's a truce with the Covenant; in Halo 4 you're against Storm Covenant which is affiliated with the Diadact.

The Arbiter probably will be back...

Duel-wielding was a bit over-rated!

Also this isn't the opinion of thousands it's more like the opinion of the children and ragers...

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Well, I acknowledge your opinion and I think that it should be respected and argued with. I believe that you are right, when it comes to playing as an elite again and for the possible return of the Arbiter. Dual-wielding is not necessary, but I believe that it was very fun, and should be considered. Besides this, you seem to mostly speak about experiences that you had with the game. We all have experience, and they are similar and/or different.


You did great with the Topic, you just have to think it through and edit it before posting it. I too, am new to the forum society. You can always, though, share your experiences with the game within the forum. Good work. It is always important to try new things, and you have expanded your experiences further on bydoing so.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Custom Games made Halo awesome!

Somone I know on XBL was saying that Halo 4 was medicore, and I had no idea what he was talking about... until I had an apiffany whilst on youtube.


Lets travel back to 2007, when halo 3 was biggest and newest halo game. Do you remember the competitive multiplayer? Because I sure don't, I was far to busy playing custom games like predator, fat kid, ice cream man etc. These were games where I could just relax and meet new people, you would enjoy it if you were a hardcore or casual gamer <THAT'S 100% OF GAMERS 343!


So why don't people play custom games now? Yes, file share doesn't work, but it never happened in Reach either. The real answer... is war games. People are now constantly trying to unlock armor and weapons by levelling up, whereas in halo 3, armor was unlocked through hit and miss achievements and there was less to unlock. So people would be done with competitive and would be more willing to just have fun. Now it's all "I would come and play custom games, but really want rogue armor".


So how can we bring custom games back? Simple, give gamers an insentive. Make some awesome in-game unlockables or achievements for say, hosting a 16 player origional custom game. Heck, why wait until halo 5? Release an update for Halo 4 guys! But that would need to have file share up and running.


Who cares about custom games? Come on... when I get back from a tiring day of uni lectures, I don't want to try and kill super soldiers in a explosion packed battlefield, I just want to relax and have fun.


If theres a way make this more likely to be seen by a 343 employee, please make it happen. Like and share or somthin' i don't know. 343 need to stop looking at other games and look at why the fans loved the past games so much. They have brought some good stuff to the table, but they've lost the heart and soul of the halo community in the process. If they see this post, there is no reason why The future games couldn't become the best of all time.


Thanks for reading this first post from a devoted halo fan.

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