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Forge Map Test Playlist Discussion/Feedback


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As many of you probably already know 343i has announced that they will be adding a new playlist tomorrow called the Forge Map Test. This playlist will be the first community creation driven playlist added to Halo 4. It will include 6 forge maps and should be just what 343i needs to revitalize MM.


I just thought that it might be useful to post this thread where people can discuss the maps after getting a few matches in on them and maybe even possibly post some constructive criticism.


Here are some of the pictures of the maps being added. I do not know anything else about them.





Map: Shutout

Description: Some believe this remote facility was once used to study the Flood. But few clues remain amidst the snow and ice.

Author: Big Papa SaLoT


Map: Despair

Description: A derelict facility...

Author: SecretShnitzel


Map: Garrotte

Description: Better play it straight.

Author: MythicFritz


Map: Relay

Description: As is, in-game.

Author: FyreWulff


Map: Scythe

Description: A community made forge map by PA1NTS.

Author: PA1NTS


Map: Simplex

Description: A community made, arena style map by Big Papa SaLoT.

Author: Big Papa SaLoT
















SOURCE: http://www.examiner.com/article/halo-4-community-playlist-detailed-for-monday-s-release


Some interesting looking designs in there.


Fire away.



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Hey you guys can try out the maps now so you can get a little upper hand. Just file share search the map authors, you can get all of the maps except for "Shutout". I personally don't care for any of the maps except for the one pictured above.

Also the map "Shutout" I'm guessing is the remake of lockout by "Big Papa Salot" that has been floating around.

Lockout, blackout and now shutout... Fair assumption I say.

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I've just got a few games on in the forge test playlist and I am very impressed. The maps added are far superior to the stuff that was introduced in Halo Reach. My favorite two maps would have to be Simplex and Shutout. Shutout is probably the most faithful remake of Lockout that I have seen yet and it plays very well for SWAT. Anybody who loved Lockout in Halo 3 will love Shutout.


Simplex is a great little arena style map. I love how they have the Railgun on the map as one of the main power weapons. It is such a fun gun to use and really is quite the powerhouse on this map. In addition the Overshield in the middle works with the map perfectly.

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If this isnt a competition now it should be i mean come on it would be a honor to just have your map out there for tens of thousands to play. heres how it should be



Create a map on forge

Send in vid to 343 ,if 343 likes it put it into the playlist and have six new maps a month??


Could be way more complex then what im saying but yeah i wouldnt need to spend money just have new maps from awesome halo fans

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