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Adrift Infinity Slayer


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Has anyone been noticing that a lot of teams will camp in one corner of Adrift the whole game? I mean, I am not complaining about it, but I find it very hard to uproot a team that employs this strategy.


You can't go in by yourself otherwise you will be made into Swiss cheese. If you go in numbers of more than one you risk being naded and one shot because the enemy team almost always sees you coming. And on the off chance you actually get them out of there, the team will just spawn on the other corner and camp there, repeating the cycle.


Anyone have any counter measures to this? Once they get a point or more than you they will just drain the clock so I feel an aggressive strategy is almost mandatory.

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This happens all the time. Basically, you've just gotta outcamp them, at least that's what I do. That, or hit them from every angle possible at the same time.


Sometimes when I'm playing with my buddies and the other team starts to camp in one area, we just get one or two kills up and run and cheese them out. It's lame, but hey, they're equally as lame. As soon as they come out to play for real, we stop camping and play a real game.

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