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my hopes for halo 4


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My Hopes for Halo 4.


1. do not use cr's for exp! it is ok if player still earn cr's just keep it seperate from the exp. let the rank system be skill based!


2.sword should be the only thing able to block swords.


3.when playing invasion on the alien side you should start as a grunt, then as your team dose better a jackel, then a brute, elite. you get the jist of it. at the vary least there should be some gametype that alows you to play as other covenent speicies.


4.when playing infection and you start off as infected you should be an infection form.(that right the flood should be a playable element of the game)when you are not infected everyone starts as spartan or elite depending on the map.


5.halo 4 should have a playlist for race type games and not put them in objective games.


6. bigger and better forge. forge is awsome compaired to halo3's version but it is still lacking. you should be able to minipulate the land scape delete the tree if you want or add another cave in that rock wall.


7. better wepon balance. in halo2 and 3 the humans had a sniper and the aliens had a sniper, all of the sudden reach comes along and aliens no longer get any good long rang wepons and the humans sniper can wreck vehichals on top of it. it make the game vary lopsided or broken. vehicals should show the pilot's head, maybe it sticks up out of the tank or you can see them through the cockpit glass, which would mean a skilled sniper could kill the operator of a vehical but if he is just shooting the plates of a tank probably would not kill it. also keep all weapons from reach but add back weapons from two and three so that is balanced

human / covenent

sniper beam rifle

grenadeL Brute shot

shotgun spragori

rocket FRG

just keep it so everything has an answer and no one wepon is the endall be all!


8.better story lines! the reach story line is good but seems to have contradictions to the trillogy. noble team are suppost to be spartan 3's. i have read every halo book and im pretty sure that spartan threes were being traind by kurt(the last surviving partan 2 other than MC) after halo 1 happend and reach is suppost to be before halo 1 so whats with the mix up?


also halo 2 story ended with a boss fight, and in halo 3 you had to drive a warthog around without getting killed while retarded Ai gunned down a scarab, so where was the big challenge in the reach story line? the only part i found hard was on the last level when your shooting the corvet out of the sky along with banshees and phantoms, and the only reason it was hard was that you had to sit in the big stationary gun, so you pretty much just had to figure out what order to shoot them down in, because they come frome the same spots at the same times every time. not really a challenge just extreamly annoying!


i did like that reach explored other spartans story lines though!

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Going by things i've read online, there is no covenant, so adding them to the game in any way would be pointless if they're not a big part of it to begin with, the flood however, i dont know, they could be in there and if they are, it would be nice to see them in firefight. And in regards to the weapons, as far as i've read also, the cheif is basically on his own this time, so throwing in ever weapon from every other game couldn't really work either since theres again, no covenant and there's no UNSC, so unless he remembered to pack his luggage before leaving, i cant imagine finding BR's and such all over the game, but taking all this into account, its possible that the tech for these weapons came from wherever it is that the Chief went, so its still plausable.

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My hopes are:


1. DROP PODS!! I think we all want to shoot out of one and STEER IT into a grunt. That would be amazing!


2. Cruser on cruser online (and off) combat. Its about time we experince Halo online to its full as well as it was in campaign.


3. Realilistic (to halo) invasion. It should start out with a MAC cannon bombarbment, then with Drop pods and Pelicans following it up. It should work and fell like a Campaign mission and end with a spectacular event. Examples: End of the REACH mission "Tip of the Spear", when the spire is destroyed, it should happen the same way (and yes the Spartans have to extract themselves off it while the Covys get killed.) or it should end with the ship jumping to slip-space like in Halo 2. Also, let the defenders have a way to end it at any time. Let them fly up to the ship and overload its engine core to cause a quick end to the game. It doesn't have to be like this, but something to go along the lines of it.


4.AI integrated online play. Even with the xbox max of 16 v 16 (like in Homefront) you would need more players for the invasion I listed above. I think we should use AIs to cover for the lack players. this will also fill in for the other species (grunts, hunters or what ever we are fighting.


I will add more soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Going by things i've read online, there is no covenant, so adding them to the game in any way would be pointless if they're not a big part of it to begin with, the flood however, i dont know, they could be in there and if they are, it would be nice to see them in firefight. And in regards to the weapons, as far as i've read also, the cheif is basically on his own this time, so throwing in ever weapon from every other game couldn't really work either since theres again, no covenant and there's no UNSC, so unless he remembered to pack his luggage before leaving, i cant imagine finding BR's and such all over the game, but taking all this into account, its possible that the tech for these weapons came from wherever it is that the Chief went, so its still plausable.


i was wanting the wepon balenced for multi player not campaigne because you fight ai in campaigne and noone really has that much difficulty with that.

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Going by things i've read online, there is no covenant, so adding them to the game in any way would be pointless if they're not a big part of it to begin with, the flood however, i dont know, they could be in there and if they are, it would be nice to see them in firefight. And in regards to the weapons, as far as i've read also, the cheif is basically on his own this time, so throwing in ever weapon from every other game couldn't really work either since theres again, no covenant and there's no UNSC, so unless he remembered to pack his luggage before leaving, i cant imagine finding BR's and such all over the game, but taking all this into account, its possible that the tech for these weapons came from wherever it is that the Chief went, so its still plausable.



also just becuase the covenent is in termoil and there is lots in-fighting dose not mean that the speices that made up the covenent are all dead. so they would still be a likly food source for the flood and there for they still might be in the new game even if it is mostly to do with the flood.

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brutes have a pretty boring look in reach. there are only two brute skins the typical and hero, but when you look at eleits grunts or jackels they all have three or four different skins. if you have read any halo stories you would know that brutes are suppost to range in color from black, dark brown, light brown, white(like Tartarus). i hope that in the next title that do not leave any characters looking so bland!

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I just hope it's not exactly like 2 and 3. =/ I want Halo to EVOLVE. I love Reach. I like the changes (however small) that they made for it. I want to see some more changes and additions made to spice things up and keep everything feeling fresh. I don't want to play the exact same kind of gameplay for every single installment.

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