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Dosa 'Togulee

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Hello everybody! I'm going straight to the point: ELITES CAN STILL BE SAVED! And by that, I mean 343 is still able to listen to a whole bunch of Sangheili fans, such as myself.

Elites were playable since Halo 2, and were not playable only in Halo: CE. Even though Halo Reach did not have the option to play as elites in every gametype, we were still able to play as them in Custom Games, Forge and special gametypes.

I have seen many topics regarding such a thing, and some replies to those topics were, mostly, not the most "appreciatable" by Sangheili fans. Of course, we, Sangheili fans, are fewer than the Spartan fanbase. And I know that you who bought Halo 4 expecting playable Elites and/or Elite Ops to be in the game were frustrated (that includes me!).

BUT 343 can still release a game DLC in which we have Elite player models. Also, 343 has been updating H4 recently and frequently, so I'd be satisfied for now with at least one or another Gametypes with Elites (Invasion, Elite Slayer etc.).

Well that's MY opinion. But what is YOUR opinion? Do you think 343i will listen to the Sangheili voice? Or do you think they will ignore our beggings and bury our voice with a filthy rock?





Just to warn any 343 employee that might be reading this post: Please, we are begging you to bring back playable Elites in Halo 4, and you may lose a LOT of support from Sangheili fans!

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  On 1/24/2013 at 1:10 AM, Real Talk said:

Doubtful they are coming in Halo 4 at all. Halo 5 however I think is more likely since (at least I am sure) the elites will be more involved in the story.

I'm thinking more of the Machinima Community. Lots of Machinimas have Elites. But then again, it's just a hope I have :/

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I agree. Though this time around, when elites are re added at some point, I would like to see armour customisation as in deoth(if not more than) Halo 3. I always enjoyed switching to elite models occasionally.

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  On 1/24/2013 at 2:28 AM, Yoshi1176 said:

I never liked playing as Elites so i dont think its neccasary.

See, many people think they're not necessary. But many other people think so. You see, if you watched Rise of The Spartans or any other machinima, a lot of them include Elites, making them really necessary for such Machinima movies. And you must admit, somethimes playing as Cool dinosaur aliens in Reach/H3 was really nice XD


  On 1/24/2013 at 5:55 AM, Caboose the Ace said:

the reason elites where not in halo 4 was becase infinty becase in infinty and sparten ops it makes no sense why youre playing as a elite a stupid reaso i know

Ehh I was kind of difficult to understand what you were trying to say, but I guess you have a point. I know that they wouldn't fit, but if you remember, Elites were friendly in Halo 3, and the Covenant were "destroyed". In Halo 4, the "Covenant" that we fought were actually some sort of separatists, but they were not allied with the humans. That means that the Sangheili from 2552 are still allies, but were not present in the game. So maybe they should have included such a thing in at least Custom Games and Forge, and I believe those do not have a story behind them. They were crucial to many Machinima movies, such as Rise of The Spartans.

If you think of it, Sangheili clans existed since Halo 2. And they were back in Halo 3, then in Reach. But apparently, they would have to meet in those older games since Halo 4 does not include such an option. 343 should have included them in Halo 4. And if you'd remember Halo Reach, Elites were NOT allies, and yet they were playable, having their own gametypes such as Elite slayer, Blargball ( :awesome:) and Invasion.

An Ivasion gametype in Halo 4 would fit perfectly just like in Reach. It fits because it's Elites vs Spartans. not Elites and Spartans vs Elites and Spartans.

You see, there was no reason to remove playable Elites from Halo 4 completely, if you think about that. There were reasons to them to continue in H4.

I hope 343 understands that Halo would not be Halo without playable Elites, and Machinimas wouldn't be the same either.


  On 1/24/2013 at 7:35 AM, BaconShelf said:

I agree. Though this time around, when elites are re added at some point, I would like to see armour customisation as in deoth(if not more than) Halo 3. I always enjoyed switching to elite models occasionally.

It's good to see that there are still people who enjoy playing as Elites. At least we are not alone, brothers!

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  On 1/24/2013 at 6:43 PM, HappehNinja said:

I think that Elites weren't playable on this game 'cuz 343 wanted to focus on the UNSC. That's where spartan ops kicks in. However, there is a pretty bright chance that they're coming for Halo 5.

As I said before, an Invasion gametype would fit very well in the game, since the Sangheili we are fighting against are enemies, just like in Reach.

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  On 1/24/2013 at 6:58 PM, Dosa said:

As I said before, an Invasion gametype would fit very well in the game, since the Sangheili we are fighting against are enemies, just like in Reach.

The onlt way it would make sense is if the Arbiter sent a corvette or something to the Infinity to help out. Otherwise magical elites wouldn't make sense.
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  On 1/25/2013 at 12:01 AM, WonderWombat said:

The onlt way it would make sense is if the Arbiter sent a corvette or something to the Infinity to help out. Otherwise magical elites wouldn't make sense.

Uhh you know that there is A.I, right? They could be A.I, in this case.


  On 1/25/2013 at 1:54 AM, Yoshi1176 said:

Ya i guess they were helpfull.

Good to see that you now understand why they are quite necessary.

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I am not a Sangheili but I strongly support the Sangheili movement Dosa. I'm like the Phillips from Glasslands of the Sangheili fans in real life haha. I personally think it'd be a great idea for 343 to release DLC for players to play as Elites I just can't think of any ideas of how it'd tie in. As for Halo 5 I agree with everyone else and believe there's a much better chance of them being playable then especially after the huge uproar from Sangheili fleets and fans and clans over Halo 4 since before it even came out.

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  On 1/25/2013 at 2:08 AM, Drizzy_Dan said:

I am not a Sangheili but I strongly support the Sangheili movement Dosa. I'm like the Phillips from Glasslands of the Sangheili fans in real life haha. I personally think it'd be a great idea for 343 to release DLC for players to play as Elites I just can't think of any ideas of how it'd tie in. As for Halo 5 I agree with everyone else and believe there's a much better chance of them being playable then especially after the huge uproar from Sangheili fleets and fans and clans over Halo 4 since before it even came out.

Good to see that people are actually interested by this topic :D Thanks for the support, man! It really helps!


  On 1/25/2013 at 11:22 AM, WonderWombat said:

Are you talking about the priceless pieces of equipment that navigate ships and the such?

Hmm not quite like that. You see, as the war games are a simulation, why not to include playable "A.I"? Electronic, holographic sangheili are a very good thing to include, In my opinion. :)

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  On 1/25/2013 at 4:16 PM, Dosa said:

Hmm not quite like that. You see, as the war games are a simulation, why not to include playable "A.I"? Electronic, holographic sangheili are a very good thing to include, In my opinion. :)

I don't see that working, how would the holograms hold weapons and such, and things like that.


I'm not opposed to the idea, I just want it to make sense, so this is what I think would work.


In a DLC to come it would be Spartan Ops Season 2 aka Elite Ops. The beginning would have the Arbiter coming in as he wants to deal with the elites personally. In doing so he brings a whole bunch of other elites who must train in War Games to keep in a good fighting condition.

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  On 1/25/2013 at 8:14 PM, WonderWombat said:

I don't see that working, how would the holograms hold weapons and such, and things like that.


I'm not opposed to the idea, I just want it to make sense, so this is what I think would work.


In a DLC to come it would be Spartan Ops Season 2 aka Elite Ops. The beginning would have the Arbiter coming in as he wants to deal with the elites personally. In doing so he brings a whole bunch of other elites who must train in War Games to keep in a good fighting condition.

1- Well, how does one dies and spawns back every 3 seconds? :/

2- Elite Ops with Elites in War games should be nice. There's always a way, isn't it?

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The Sangheili are by far the most interesting enemies. Their traditions and history as well as having tactics against them and against you. They are not bullet sponges *halo 2 brutes*


Well, the flood is pretty interesting, the story behind them is anyway...

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  On 1/26/2013 at 12:52 PM, BaconShelf said:

The Sangheili are by far the most interesting enemies. Their traditions and history as well as having tactics against them and against you. They are not bullet sponges *halo 2 brutes*


Well, the flood is pretty interesting, the story behind them is anyway...

I agree with you, brother.

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Honestly, the idea of a Sangheili ops makes me giggle in delight. I've always wanted to play a Halo campaign from the other end of the gun. It'd show us a lot about how the Covenant operate, and honestly it'd be really neat. Its really, really rare usually that you get to work in groups, though that is more common in Halo 4. Halo 3 usually left you alone, even those you got to play as the Arbiter.


And another thing would be to ALLOW US TO KILL MARINES. You're playing as a Covenant warrior. Shouldn't you fight on their side? Another reason that Sangheili ops would be great. Spartan ops are awesome, don't get me wrong. I love that feature. But why not add a third story? Expand on it even more? Defend outposts from Spartan and Marine attacks, capture various locations, etc, just the same as Spartan ops.

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