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Adding Aesthetics.


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Aesthetics aren't essential, but prove important.


When forging your creations, be sure to add some sort of aesthetic appeal. This will give your map a bonus level of detail, complexity and beauty. Aesthetics are simply any decorative objects, that are unnecessary.


If you know me, you'll realise that I like to add a great deal of aesthetics to my maps. Some of my maps are dedicated to aesthetic appeal, with no regards to gameplay. It is important, however, to make the correct balance between aesthetics, and playability.



So, without further ado, I will provide a few tips on adding aesthetics to your creations...


-Think about your budget. If the amount of budget you used for aesthetics, overcomes that of playable spaces, rethink and delete any unnecessary aesthetics, or use cheaper materials.


-The smallest pieces are often the most appealing. Using 'Decorative' pieces, such as Railings and Antennas, are great for adding detail to your aesthetic creations.


-Dominion pieces aren't only useful for Dominion. Objects such as Wires, provide a great deal of mechanical detail to your creations. The miniscule wirings and buttons on a Battery, provide extra detail that you don't need to pay extra for.


-Running out of budget? Use already constructed pieces. Many may deem it unwise to use default structures, found in the 'Buildings' section. However, when running low on budget, and in need of large aesthetic structures, these pieces may be placed in the distance, adding more character and story to your map.


-Something look bare? Smack a piece on it. Something as simple as a platform made from flat walls, can be substituted for a piece more detailed and appealing. See that 'Block 3x3' you've used for that platform? Try substitute it for a Platform XL turned upside down. That Wall Colliseum over there looks bare, and plain. Wack some Brace Larges on there, or create a pipe-system using Ramp Circular inclines.


-The Lighting Budget. Some pieces destroy this budget more than others. The more reflective sides a piece has, the more "budget" it will consume. A Strut, will use up more "lighting budget" than 4 Blocks of any size. Use these objects at your own expense, but be sure to substitute.



I hope I've contributed to the future of your forging. If you have any extra tips, or need additional help, please PM me for further assistance.


Enjoy your day.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Great advise to anyone, I think even the MLG players like aesthetics.


Also good to note in that many of the forge building blocks have glass inserts and other neat features, using these simple objects will often not affect your budget at all.


I think the most visually appealing and symbolic portion of you map can also influence game play by simply causing players to gravitate to that portion of the map. We can be trick into thinking that is the actual "power position" by the fact it is simply the most visually appealing. Also it gives your map something to be remembered by, and that is one of the pinnacles of a good map is its ability to be remembered and thus played again.


KCFO (keep calm and forge on!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I've reached my quota for positive voting today. lol. So I can't like this right now but I will come back in to like this eventually. Because this is indeed a great read. People do need to understand that a great map uses both good gameplay and good aesthetics. Without on or the other its just a good map not a great one.

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  • 2 months later...

Good tips Griffin.


I just wanted to add that,


Some people think all there is to aesthetics are adding extras to the map but what really helps in increasing the aesthetic appeal of your map is its neatness and cleanliness.


This depends on the pieces you use, the consistency of your piece usage, and how you connect them. If everything is clean and looks like they should fit together, your map already looks better as a whole.


Then you can add the extras to add flavor to the aesthetics.

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  On 10/29/2013 at 5:06 PM, Slendermaestro said:

I try to make aesthetics serve more of a purpose as well, instead of just being map decor. If I add any scenery, it's in the hopes that someone will use it as cover.


That's fine as long as the scenery doesn't create clutter or lazy cover.

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