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Under water in halo 5?


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I've always wanted to be able to swim under water in halo and it would be awesome if they could make it to halo 5.


They already have 0gravity combat in halo 4. Also they have made ocianic armour which is made for under water combat/missions so it wouldn't be that hard to do.

They need swiming-annimations and slowed actions ect to make it.


Totaly want to see this both in campaign and multiplayer combat, and I beleve that it will change wargames for the better with more tactics, assasinations and new environments. Campaign will also have more diversity and new underwater enemies.


What do you guys think? Do you also want to see this idea in halo 5?


leave your ideas and improvements in the coments

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Spartans just sink instantly.

They weigh several tons!

Never going to work...


Then why are there armours like the oceanic one? And their weight is no problem when flying so using the thing all spartans have on their back (thruster packs) you would be able to swim fast under water which would be The most epic thing in halo, ever!


A Spartan weighs about 400 pounds, so swimming isn't a good idea. I would, however, like to be able to use water in Forge rather than be killed upon impact.


In forge etc they thought under water environments would be to time consuming to make, but for halo 5 it is possible, so I say why not. BUT, only if people are intrested in it!

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Then why are there armours like the oceanic one? And their weight is no problem when flying so using the thing all spartans have on their back (thruster packs) you would be able to swim fast under water which would be The most epic thing in halo, ever!

I don't think you understand.

There is nothing to make them float.

Their Oxygen storage is compressed...

Also the Oceanic could just be used to glide through the water while walking along the bottom as it would be possible.

The Thruster Pack uses great amounts of energy and is only brief.

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I don't think you understand.

There is nothing to make them float.

Their Oxygen storage is compressed...

Also the Oceanic could just be used to glide through the water while walking along the bottom as it would be possible.

The Thruster Pack uses great amounts of energy and is only brief.


Aren't you making constructive criticism, make them float as you can make them fly, make them be able to extract oxygen from water like they do to air if they would need more air (they can drift in space for crists sake so why not under water)


Also acording to spartan lore spartans can change the density of their armour and to quote black halo v10


"Since when has weight been a factor to whether things can float or not? Seems like many of you haven't been paying attention during your science classes. Whether or not you can float is based purely on your density, not weight. I didn't know the Spartan's armor could change its density so i always figured the reason they couldn't swim was because of their dense armor. Seems like 343 is going to have to fix that since they took up the role of following canon. Unless the liquid on the other planets have a much lower density that is outside the range that the armor can adjust to they are going to have to make it so Spartans can swim, or at least just say because of gameplay reasons they can't."


Finally, I don't want a swimming animation for spartans more a gliding through water, dolphin-style with really gentle use of the thruster pack to drift through the water, and walking normally on the bottom.

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Aren't you making constructive criticism, make them float as you can make them fly, make them be able to extract oxygen from water like they do to air if they would need more air (they can drift in space for crists sake so why not under water)


Also acording to spartan lore spartans can change the density of their armour and to quote black halo v10


"Since when has weight been a factor to whether things can float or not? Seems like many of you haven't been paying attention during your science classes. Whether or not you can float is based purely on your density, not weight. I didn't know the Spartan's armor could change its density so i always figured the reason they couldn't swim was because of their dense armor. Seems like 343 is going to have to fix that since they took up the role of following canon. Unless the liquid on the other planets have a much lower density that is outside the range that the armor can adjust to they are going to have to make it so Spartans can swim, or at least just say because of gameplay reasons they can't."


Finally, I don't want a swimming animation for spartans more a gliding through water, dolphin-style with really gentle use of the thruster pack to drift through the water, and walking normally on the bottom.

I'm a Scientist...

The only reason why things float is because they have air in them.

People float because they have air in their lungs, foam floats because of trapped air.

Spartans have air which is COMPRESSED which means it is actually heavier than normal air and won't push them up to the surface.

Also a Thruster Pack won't work underwater...


Drifting through space and floating are completely different.

Space is a Partial-Vacuum. There's no friction for you to slow down or speed up.

Water is a liquid. Water is dense and has a lot of friction meaning it's hard to speed up and slow down.

Try walking through a sponge-cake!


Spartans can't fly and changing the density of their armour has no particular use...

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There to heavy... they'll drown in the first few3 minutes when there oxegen runs out.


Then they will make a armour upgrade with the essential properties for underwater operations. A spartan can be with out air for 90 min so underwater for longer periods of time is no problem, just look at the oceanic armour.


Also, bunge and 343 has never said that spartans can't swim, on the contrary there are much evidence to prove that they can infact do water ops easily. In addition I for once feel weak and totaly not like a super-soldier when I die on slightest touch of water.


So they could put it into halo games in the future. The reason why they haven't already is that it would take to much time to do, but now in halo 5 it wouldn't be to difficult to do and I want the comunity to show intresst in this idea so they'll make it in halo 5.

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