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What Is Your Best And Worst Map?


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I would definitely say Adrift is probably my best map. The layout and narrow hallway action suits my mid-range style. Haven is played so much I am not bad at that either.


I absolutely get murdered on Abandoned. I don't know what is wrong with the map, it is just so weird. It is so easy to be picked off in some areas by everyone because of the openness, and the areas where if isn't open are normally congested with battle from scattershot/shotgun/boltshoters. I just cannot get a good game on this map if I am playing Regicide, and team slayer is hit or miss depending if you are not playing with a group of schmucks.



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Depends on playlist. Example for infinity slayer I destroy Adrift, my best being 38-14 or something.

And like in SWAT it's Scythe or Complex, and Exile for Dominion.

But damn, I never go well on Vortex XD. Barely make a 1.0 K/D ratio

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Exile is my worst, Abandon is probably a close runner up. Exile is only my worst because you have a 50% chance of getting totally screwed by whatever idiot put the Gauss on just one side. If the map were anywhere close to balanced and I didn't have to spend 50% of my games in it desperately trying make up for the massive disadvantage of being red team, I might do better. As it is when you vote for Exile you're hoping to get lucky, and I'm not lucky. Some people are, most people are neither especially lucky or unlucky, but I am unlucky.

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The Good

adrift is probably the best map. I havent heard anyone ever say they dont like it.


vortex and ragnarok are fun for big team


The bad

shatter has an odd layout with too much vehicle action


complex is too big for 4v4 games and doesnt have good gameplay. abandon is just plain bad


The ugly

exile and haven were once fun, but extremely overplayed now

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I don't really have a best or worst since I can do pretty well in games but I have my least favorites... Ragnarock (Crossmap DMR..... enough said), Complex (Same reason plus campers in and on top if the middle building), Vortex (It's just a bit awkward to play on in my opinion) and Despair (I hate this map with a passion because of its spawning).

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I dont have a particular best map. I generally do the same on most any map and on most any mode. But I do have a beef with Vortex. I just do not get that map design. It is by far my worst map, though Shatter isnt to far off due to being on red team all the time (I think red team gets the shaft on that one).

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