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Will Cortana Come Back?

Halo Pony

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At the moment of tapping this a scenario popped into my mind.


They say H5 is going to be the DARKEST of the Reclaimer trilogy, so we have the chief wandering around somewhere alone. He's  been given special leave or is on a black ops mission with no fixed objective or just been allowed to go off on his own with the suit, who knows.


Most probable outcome with the information available to me is he's going after Halsey and he's going to force her into having her brain mapped for A.I initialization, she's a criminal now, up for grabs and most probably considered a wipe job. Franky is around my age group and is probably going to utilize a Empire Strikes Back variant plot. He gets Halsey, plugs her in and what comes out is not what he expects. It's not her or anything close, instead it's devoid of anything human, it's a Sanghelion hybrid human rampant A.I bent on revenge and it gets out. It's all spec but that's what keeps the interest alive with any story.

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