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Rank is a Joke


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Why do people even talk about this pathetic ranking system???


You get 1785 points every single time you finish a game, and if you did awesome it throws in an extra 1200ish and if you did poorly you might only get 600. Meaning most of the time you get 2200-3000. Not much of a difference. Pretty much just counts your games played and the time you've put in... what a joke.


Commendations on the other hand. You have to earn them. You have to use different weapons. You have to play different maps. You have to DO IT ALL.


Instead of this pathetic ranking system, how about they just show your Commendation Percentage number???


I'm much more interested in knowing if someone is just sticking with AR, DMR to boost their k/d or if they are going through all the weapons.


I don't know. I'm new to Halo. I prefer Gears of War. It has boss battles and is 3rd person.


Another thing: what is the appeal of 1st person view?? I can't ever see anything close range. Like as if I can't move my neck.


Why no boss battles in Campaign??? Or was that a Boss Battle on Mission 8?? Tap the button twice to win?? Whoa...

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This is why 343i is implementing the true skill ranking system some time in April of this year. Because the current system ISN'T a ranking system at all. Now if you only got points from winning then it would be a different matter but, it still doesn't match you with people of similar skill. I get bad random team mates so I pretty much always lose if I'm not rolling with a team.

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I'm much more interested in knowing if someone is just sticking with AR, DMR to boost their k/d or if they are going through all the weapons.


I don't know. I'm new to Halo. I prefer Gears of War. It has boss battles and is 3rd person.


Another thing: what is the appeal of 1st person view?? I can't ever see anything close range. Like as if I can't move my neck.


Why no boss battles in Campaign??? Or was that a Boss Battle on Mission 8?? Tap the button twice to win?? Whoa...


You think the AR will raise your K/D?


Also 1st person view allows for faster camera faster reactions, making it harder than 3rd person. A 3rd person camera that moved as fast as a 1st person camera would be jarring and less useful. Just think about where the camera is, if it's on your body you don't have to coordinate your position with it, but if it's behind you it has to swing farther + faster to look at the same spaces. That's why you move so slow in 3rd person shooters, because the camera can't keep up with you if you can move as fast as you can in 1st person shooters.


I totally agree the final fight in the campaign completely sucked. I hated the campaign.

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I'm sorry, but you're very hard to take seriously. I agree with you that the current ranking system is pretty ridiculous and that a different one needs to me implemented, but a commendation ranking system is definitely not the right answer.


What I mean by you're hard to take seriously is that you come on 343iCM and make an account and just start bashing aspects of general FPS games? Sorry there, I didn't realise that you're opinion on 1st person was the only valid one out here. Please refrain from bashing games that you have literally no knowledge about.



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What I mean by you're hard to take seriously is that you come on 343iCM and make an account and just start bashing aspects of general FPS games? Sorry there, I didn't realise that you're opinion on 1st person was the only valid one out here. Please refrain from bashing games that you have literally no knowledge about.




I agree with ya.


That being said, we've gotta respect opinions because they are entitled to them.


Also, I would hardly call this a "ranking" system, at least not in the Halo sense. I really want the 1-50 system to be here, and to be here soon. Very soon.

Edited by LiQuidßioniX♠
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Why smash your faces against the wall for something so dull as a rank? Why not just play mostly for fun? Not that I dislike competitiveness or anything, but sheesh...


Though, I do agree that people should try to challenge themselves and go for commendation progress, since the DMR, BR and Boltshot won't go any further after reaching full Mastery...

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It's a social rank....y must you flip out over something like that? Lawl pathetic....now if it were halo3 and everyone was able to reach 50 in a mater of a few months like it was nothing (no boosting), then you can complain.


Also first person view >>>>>> third person. Resin being people can litterally see around corners without making themselves visible (socom anyone?). Talk about camping to the extreme...


Just stop crying

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Why smash your faces against the wall for something so dull as a rank? Why not just play mostly for fun? Not that I dislike competitiveness or anything, but sheesh...


And that's what the beauty of H3 was, having separate ranked and social lists. Derp



Adding a rank for each playlist was a nice addition for Halo 3. But if I remember correctly it came towards the end. Remember when Squad Battle came out me and a few friends went for the 50.


No, ranked has been around since H2. Hell, getting a 40 in H2 got you mad props and respect.

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well not all people want to be the pro guy playing with more than 3.0 k/d or more... i have like 2.40 K/D and i enjoy all game types and spartan ops episodes why you people QQ all the time for a pointless rank? want to be better? go outside and get better.

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well not all people want to be the pro guy playing with more than 3.0 k/d or more... i have like 2.40 K/D and i enjoy all game types and spartan ops episodes why you people QQ all the time for a pointless rank? want to be better? go outside and get better.


this is why there was a social playlist to have fun and enjoy the game.

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When I think of a social playlist I tend of this of this:


Lets all jump for joy with flowers and butterflies in CasualLand!!!! In CasualLand, if one team wins, the other team gets to win the next game. That way its fair for everyone!!!


All joking around aside though, I agree that there should definitely be separate Ranked and Social playlists. It also has the benefit of easing the friction between casuals and Competitives.

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Ranked and Social playlist, huh? I like the sound of that! I could play to my heart's content while having fun, and then if I get bored (competitive) I can move over to Ranked list to play with the easy-win try-hards.

this has been around halo forever. Untill recently it was tooken out to mimic cod forumla. Lets hope it comes back for this is trutly the best option to please all parties.

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This is why 343i is implementing the true skill ranking system some time in April of this year. Because the current system ISN'T a ranking system at all. Now if you only got points from winning then it would be a different matter but, it still doesn't match you with people of similar skill. I get bad random team mates so I pretty much always lose if I'm not rolling with a team.


Yeah, gotta wait until April till new ranking comes up! I hope I don't switch to a new game in that span!

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