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Ravenous Bear

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The map, gametype, and screenshot are located in my file share.


Gamertag: Ravenous Bear


Gametype: BACKSTABBERS (slayer)


Map: ASSASSIN'S ARENA (ravine)


Description: This a basic, free-for-all, slayer match in where only assassinations and beat downs work and count towards one's score. 250 points to win with assassinations being worth ten points and beat downs five points. There are two loadouts each with the same weapons and armor ability (magnum, energy sword, and thruster pack), but one has mobility and the other has AA efficiency. The map is a simple circular map with no walls but it does have a soft kill zone on the outer edges discouraging camping and it has raised platform in the middle used for quick escapes or as a vantage point. My friends like this game type for the pleasure of the assassinations and some like it because it makes one use the thruster pack for both defense and offense.


Player capacity: 2-16 (the map can hold 16 but maybe a little bit crowded)


Screenshot: I wasn't able to upload my screenshot because of the file share thing or the lack-there-of but it's viewable in my file share.

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