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Played griffball a few times today, first time i've ever played it. Why was this being worked on before team snipers? From what i gather you just run around, it's pretty much a skill-less game. I mean i guess i could see how some people find it some what fun, myself not included but i don't get how snipers, an extremely popular game time from past games isn't even mentioned by 343. And hasn't been since it was taken out of match making.

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I know that a competitive playlist, team doubles and team snipers will all soon be arriving to Halo 4 in the upcoming weeks. I'm not sure in what order that will be, but Billy Mays sounds about right. I'm pretty sure they removed team snipers to improve it, not sure how, maybe adjusting sniper auto-aim, radar tweaking, etc...


I think that grifball was released before snipers because of the fact that snipers was released before and a high part of the community wanted grifball on Halo 4. With the addition of sprint and ball throwing, it got more intricate and interested more people.


I personally can't wait for snipers, and hope it's released soon!


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Grifball has always been like that, when it was originally introduced people just played it hoping to get Killionaires. I got mine and got the hell out of the playlist, 14k kills too late I think. Just wait til you have a betrayer on your team.


I never got to play team snipers in Halo 4, they removed it before I got around to it. It eventually became the only playlist I could stand in Halo: Reach and it wasn't long before I couldn't even stand it there anymore. Hopefully it will be better in Halo 4 where they haven't recycled so much of Halo 2's map design philosophies (Halo 2 map design = awful 1-side maps that favor whoever gets the stronger side). Halo 4's maps are pretty awful, but at least you don't have to worry about getting out-voted for dreadful trash like Pinnacle.

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