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Grenades are a joke


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The Promethean grenades are hilarious, has anyone actually died/got a kill from them?


So much wasted potential.


I don't know what setting they changed exactly but when I played on the AGL settings with customs, they work the way they should. You use them a blockers as, if a player walked through them they were 2 shot.

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I really don't see anything wrong with grenades... Of course, if you're facing 2-3 members of the enemy team, you're bound to see plenty of these. I only use them to dispatch "campers" and run-aways.


"Nerfing" these would just give "campers" the upper hand. Specially since there's quite a lot of them that happen to have a boltshot equipped...

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I rage at grenades all the time. I get someone to a one shot... Guess what he throws a grenade, hides in cover and someone else ends up finishing me off. It is so garbage. Frags are stronger than they have ever been, and I've been requesting a gametype where it is 4 on 4 slayer, but NO grenades. Imagine that, someone will hate that, why you may ask... because they rely on grenades and they don't know how to shoot a precision weapon.

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Grenades are also a joke because of the explosives perk. Great idea to boost the damage of grenades, but WAIT, not only is grenade damage boosted, explosive damage verse the user is also reduced. That is a significant change in gameplay. It creates so much inconsistency because you have no clue who has the explosives perk on...like they should be one shot, but instead they are 3. They throw a grenade nowhere near you, and all of the sudden you are one shot. I wish there was a way to indicate who is using the perk.

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Haha, I can't believe people are treating the grenades like they're the BoltShot. Since when has grenade use been considered "noobish"? And I know no one used the term, but it is being implied like people can't kill without them.


"Woh, if they can't kill me in a one-on-one fight with a precision weapon, that guy MUST suck. They have to foil me with grenades everytime."



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In previous Halo titles, grenades were used for tactically. The reason being is because their splash damage wasn't so ridiculous like it is in this game. You actually had to get your grenades in the right spot if you wanted it to do a lot of damage.

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I rage at grenades all the time. I get someone to a one shot... Guess what he throws a grenade, hides in cover and someone else ends up finishing me off. It is so garbage. Frags are stronger than they have ever been, and I've been requesting a gametype where it is 4 on 4 slayer, but NO grenades. Imagine that, someone will hate that, why you may ask... because they rely on grenades and they don't know how to shoot a precision weapon.


If you cannot use grenades and play against em then you need more practice, requesting a game mode that removes base weapons you do not like and saying others are bad players if they do not want it is silly. Most players who are good with nades will be damn good with guns, its somethins all Halo players learned second so they could beat a guy equally good with guns.


Frags are supposed to be stronger, thats their thing.

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Most players that I've seen using grenades frequently are those who are essentially conceding death.


I assume you mean the death grenade, well i first started using this constantly in Halo 3, its a case of if you are going to lose the gun fight why not try and take your opponent with you.. it stands to reason and I do it all the time (well in situations that apply). Its a good move and very gratifying to get a kill from the grave on the guy who just killed you.


Its not a bad thing in my opinion, if you are used to it then you naturally react to avoid it, also to do it right takes more skill than one might assume. The grenade markers help stop this from being as effective as it was in previous games.


Most players waste their grenades soon after spawn as it is so to get a death grenade is not as common as one might think.

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