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Is it true that the hayabusa might be returning to halo 4?

Zak Hardz

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I wore the chest plate in Halo 3 due to it resulting from difficult achievements (All my achievements except the skulls were attained legitimately, so I was proud of them and wanted my armor to show my accomplishments. All the things I achieved through actions I was proud of were represented in my armor).


However I found the helmet ridiculous and wouldn't really care that much if they brought it back. What made it special enough for me to wear in Halo 3 was that I had to work to acquire it, I haven't really felt that way about any armor permutations since. It's all just "Chief dress-up" now. I still have pieces I want and prefer, but it's more about aesthetics than accomplishments. Aesthetically I thought the Hayabusa helmet was awful, I forgave the shoulder plates, and I liked the chest piece.


Since the two things I liked about the chest piece were

1. Its katana showed I'd accomplished difficult things


2. Its architecture seemed very similar to the rogue helmet and standard shoulders, and I liked the rogue helmet, I liked wearing the Hayabusa chest piece with it

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Anyone ever get recon?


Everyone did actually. I don't remember the details but I remember that eventually recon was either very easy to get or just made available to all.


I think it went in three phases, there was the beginning phase where it was only ever awarded by Bungie, there was a short phase where it could be achieved (Again, I don't remember the details of what criteria were involved), and then they made it much easier or just a given.


I got mine in the second phase, and while I can't remember what was required of me the only reason I remember that it required something is that I wouldn't have worn it if it didn't. I didn't actually like the armor set that much, and I was very much in love with my Rogue Helmet + Katana Chest piece and Standard Shoulders. They all looked like they could be part of the same set of armor (I liked how similar their architecture was). I wore the recon shoulders though because it signified an accomplishment, I just can't remember what that accomplishment was.


If it had just been given to me it would have stayed in my armor chest collecting dust.

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Honestly, I always hated Recon armor. The only appeal it ever had was exclusivity, which, based on what you are telling me, it eventually lost.


In fact, I like armor that is hard to get or is very exclusive. Lol, they always have this awesome feeling attached with them--not in the design--but in the fact that not too many people have it.


"Hey look at me and my armor none of you have!"

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