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The New Halo 4 ranking system


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While I'm glad to see that after 3 years that 343 is actually deciding to implement a ranking system, I'm curious as to how it will play out. I could be stepping out of line here but I think that there are some things that need to be addressed in order for this to actually be a system that works.


1) De rankers: OK, tell me you didn't hate those friggin bks. Go into a game stoked and 2 out of the 4 on your team are running out into the middle of the biggest widest open space firing shots in the air essentially saying "kill me please!!"


Solution: There will be no de ranking. Once you have it, you got it, period. If you can't play to it, tough, you prolly shouldn't have bought it.


2) Terribad connections:


Solution part 1: All ranked playlists are to be played within the same country. Anyone setting up their profile to another country in order to play for the lists in another country gets a 6 month console/ip/home ip addy ban. No questions asked. Frankly, I don't know why that's part of the set up, the console will pick up the addy and then the ip addy will tell the console where it's located. Duhhhhhh


Solution part 2: You will need to have certain required speeds in order to play the ranked lists. ie: 2 up/ 10 down.


Solution part 3: Whoever has host is required to have NO LESS than 5 up.


This gets rid of 99.99% of the issues. Dedicated servers are NOT the answer as you still have distance to deal with from the location of that server. It's not a cost thing, it's all about logistics.


Opinions please

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The problem with your connections issue is the lack of community that would be created. The lack of interaction between the EU and US and well the US and anywhere really would be a huge blow to the community as a whole. An already divided community (in terms of nations) would be even more divided as now they are restricted to just their own nation.


More over you are cutting out many people who want to participate in ranked games by giving them the ax due to their connection. Not everybody can afford super fast connetions and due to the multitude of providers you would end up creating a community that has to conform to specific companies for internet access in order to play their game the way they wish. Thats not a good message to send to any community.

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The problem with your connections issue is the lack of community that would be created. The lack of interaction between the EU and US and well the US and anywhere really would be a huge blow to the community as a whole. An already divided community (in terms of nations) would be even more divided as now they are restricted to just their own nation.


More over you are cutting out many people who want to participate in ranked games by giving them the ax due to their connection. Not everybody can afford super fast connetions and due to the multitude of providers you would end up creating a community that has to conform to specific companies for internet access in order to play their game the way they wish. Thats not a good message to send to any community.



While I understand your point, in order for a ranked match to be legitimately based on skill, the playing field must be as level as possible. Anyone not meeting those requirements can play social. That way the community doesn't get divided.

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While I understand your point, in order for a ranked match to be legitimately based on skill, the playing field must be as level as possible. Anyone not meeting those requirements can play social. That way the community doesn't get divided.


But what if they dont want to play social? While I am not a great player I dont mind ranked matches, yet because I dont have the same kind of connection as Joe the barber down the road I am not allowed to play? That is insane to me. Basicly it is saying that I can not use the full features of the game.


Connection issues have nothing to do with skill btw. Skill is within the player not their connection to the game.


And I still see a division happening with in the community (or further division if you will). Because what you propose would be enclosed within their respective nations. While it might breed some competition between nations (in terms of the game) I see it breeding more hate and disrespect over all. It will devolve into a petty match of: "The entire world sucks, our country has the best Halo players anywhere. Our ranked matches are at a higher level than yours!"


That just isnt a good move for the community which is already nearly there due to MLG.


The idea it presented is great, but the players are the ones who screwed things up and gave it a bad reputation. But thats for another thread.

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In all honesty, what I'm looking to see are more enjoyable games. I've lost soooooooo many games in the wonderful 8 country matches that it's insane or even winning is no fun sometimes. You'll have one player that has host and they're from BFE and no one else in the game can do anything but die. It's ridiculous and it simply shouldn't be that way in ranked matches.


We already know the US has the best MLG players, that's a fact. No team from another country has even broken the top 16 but twice in the history of MLG. Confining the MM to within the same countries would actually benefit the other teams when they come to play. They tend to think they're better than they are but get spanked handily when the come to play LAN. I've played in local LAN tournies and it's amazing how distorted the gameplay gets online, it's not even remotely close to LAN. In ranked play lists which are supposed to be based on skill, it should be as close as possible to the LAN experience and frankly, that's my basis for this post.


I'll definitely agree that your points are valid but in all honesty, that's a short term view of the game IMO. I tend to doubt that an extra $10/month is going to break anyone. If it is, try drinking one less 12 pack or having one less pizza/month.

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A better solution to the lag issue would be that when the system searches for players to match you in a game and is finished doing so, it would randomly chose a host (as it already does) and then test everyone's ping to that host. If someone's ping is over 200, they get booted and the system then searches for a replacement player.


I have some friends from Canada. We play Halo a lot together and I can host games without them lagging and vise versa.


Demotion of rank should be allowed. What if you stop playing Halo for a while? You decide to come back and play even though your a 50 but you haven't played in ages. You'll probably get a horrible score. The 1-50 skill rank from Halo 3 DID NOT tell you how good you were at the game. It told you how much of a team player you are. If you are a good team player, that means you are a good player. Halo 4's new CSR takes into account many other things instead of only wins and losses. This means that if you are in a match with noobs who keep dying, as long as you maintain a good score you wont de-rank or rank up.

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While I understand your point, in order for a ranked match to be legitimately based on skill, the playing field must be as level as possible. Anyone not meeting those requirements can play social. That way the community doesn't get divided.


You are already dividing the community by segregating them by country and shunning ones with lower speed connections. This isn't center stage at MLG, this is just a ******* playlist. I bet you not nearly as many people that want to play ranked playlists have connection speeds that are up to par as you may think.


BadIntentz, I like a lot of your ideas and we're on the same page on a lot of stuff, but with all due respect you are off your rocker with this one.

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That just isnt a good move for the community which is already nearly there due to MLG.


The idea it presented is great, but the players are the ones who screwed things up and gave it a bad reputation. But thats for another thread.


The community isn't there due to MLG dood. MLG is a small part of the community and besides, the MLG players didn't do anything wrong. 343 made a seriously broken game in a decidedly poor attempt to mimic the COD series and with an inferior MM matrix. That's why the population is down so much. 343 didn't listen to the players and they reaped what they sowed. Frankly I hope 343 gets fired and MS is forced to contract Bungie back into it at out of your mind salaries. :D

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The community isn't there due to MLG dood. MLG is a small part of the community and besides, the MLG players didn't do anything wrong. 343 made a seriously broken game in a decidedly poor attempt to mimic the COD series and with an inferior MM matrix. That's why the population is down so much. 343 didn't listen to the players and they reaped what they sowed. Frankly I hope 343 gets fired and MS is forced to contract Bungie back into it at out of your mind salaries. :D


I never said MLG itself did anything wrong. I am saying the player affiliated with it and or (generally the and portion of it) the players who desired or thought they should be part of it did something wrong (in my eyes). They created a mind set in a lot of players that competition only occures within MLG which just isnt true.


But again that is for another thread. I was only using it as an example of how there already are divisions within the Halo community that create a lot of "friction" between people who play.

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I never said MLG itself did anything wrong. I am saying the player affiliated with it and or (generally the and portion of it) the players who desired or thought they should be part of it did something wrong (in my eyes). They created a mind set in a lot of players that competition only occures within MLG which just isnt true.


But again that is for another thread. I was only using it as an example of how there already are divisions within the Halo community that create a lot of "friction" between people who play.


I misunderstood your post. My mistake :D


Yeah, they're decidedly wrong if that's their mindset. I've got pro players from other games on my list and a couple of semi pro for Halo and they don't think like that at all. There's some folks that specialize in lists like snipers and Swat that even the pros don't wanna mess with lol. Yaboy, Red in snipes just to name 2 off the top of my head. AO iz Back and Sidewayz Shady in swat, Genesis Rider as well in Swat and the MLG kids get smoked when they go against them and they know they're going to. The fact is, most of the MLG folks are seriously all right people. I've talked to them on their chats, run games with them, hell they're fun people by and large. I guess there can be a bad egg or 2 but I hope nothing that has gone so far as to deal a blow to the community even worse than Reach and H4. That would be seriously bad.

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i can think of a solution to lag guess





becase no lag and evil ol micrsoft is stealing 5 bucks pounds etc from us a mouth put that money towards this maybe


Dedicated servers don't solve it. I play BO2 on STEAM sometimes and the lag is worse than ever due to my distance to the servers. There's simply not enough to go around.

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I thought that in previous Halos they had gotten it right with the connection system. You could select search for normal/fastest/best connection, I remember other options being there too, but I can't remember them currently. Whenever I selected "Best connection", I would never find a game with noticeable lag (although it may not be LAN perfect, for online play it was very substantial). This is why I was very surprised to see these options get removed from online play.



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In all honesty, what I'm looking to see are more enjoyable games. I've lost soooooooo many games in the wonderful 8 country matches that it's insane or even winning is no fun sometimes. You'll have one player that has host and they're from BFE and no one else in the game can do anything but die. It's ridiculous and it simply shouldn't be that way in ranked matches.


We already know the US has the best MLG players, that's a fact. No team from another country has even broken the top 16 but twice in the history of MLG. Confining the MM to within the same countries would actually benefit the other teams when they come to play. They tend to think they're better than they are but get spanked handily when the come to play LAN. I've played in local LAN tournies and it's amazing how distorted the gameplay gets online, it's not even remotely close to LAN. In ranked play lists which are supposed to be based on skill, it should be as close as possible to the LAN experience and frankly, that's my basis for this post.


I'll definitely agree that your points are valid but in all honesty, that's a short term view of the game IMO. I tend to doubt that an extra $10/month is going to break anyone. If it is, try drinking one less 12 pack or having one less pizza/month.


Cannot say I have experienced too much of what you mention in the first paragraph and I am often in games with yanks, eastern blocs and west europe at once!!! guess I have somehow been lucky. some lag but nothing that makes any difference in reality.


Honestly I am sure many here and playing the game do not give a S*** about MLG, I for one do not, games are for fun and anyone can and should play any playlist.


You would be amazed at the different expenses of connection across the world and how much what you call meagre money means to some people.


Maybe on this one you can climb down from that throne way up yonder and let the plebs have some bread, or maybe you think they all eat cake!!!

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Well, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Ranked playlists are for serious minded folks and frankly folks who aren't in it to win have no business mixing in with folks who are going tryhard. That's why you should have a difference in the playlist of social and ranked.


I've been in competitve sports all my life. I don't even begin to understand folks who don't play to win. If they're not playing to win, I don't want, and will not accept them on my team given a choice. Period. I do not enjoy and in fact RESENT them being forced on me in the play lists. They are an enigma to me. That being said, they have their place and it's not in ranked playlists.

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