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"Township Terror" | (Flood Map)


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Map Description

You were just cruising on the highway with a couple of your good buddies when you enter a tunnel... You hear strange noises. You look back in see these; things, chasing you. You're just about out of the tunnel when one of the things grabs you and throw you out of the car. A cave in occurs, and all you hear is screams of civilians being crushed by the sharp edged rocks, piercing through them like a butter knife. Luckily, you and your friends have made it out alive.

You've found yourself stranded in a ghost town. The highway had been destroyed, and the debris has floated off into space. Luckily, your friend forgot to take out the keys to the car and it's still in gear.

Looks like you have a new home...


What's up forum? smile.png

As you may or may not know, I've recently got back into the hang of forging, and had made one map (Click here to see). I've recently working with a friend in creating a second map; Township Terror. If you're familiar with Slaughter Subway, you know it's an indoor map with tons of aesthetics and a creepy vibe. Well, Township Terror is similar, except you're outside and have a whole side of Impact to explore. The map still contains nice aesthetics (although it'd be nice if 343i gave us the option of putting in more than 4 lights... Come on, seriously?!), and I'm currently in the testing phase. As I'm typing this, the map has not been played by the public. I usually find Flood lobbies in matchmaking, then leave them to gain some recent players, then message them all about the map I'm testing, but this time, I thought I'd come to my favorite forum and ask you guys first. smile.png

If anyone is interested in helping me test this map, I'd be more than happy to invite you. My gamertag is Faulkzor. Simply add me, and I will accept and invite you if a game is in progress. If I'm playing a different game (not Halo 4), I will invite you the next time I play the map.

I'm open to any feedback whether about the map; good or bad.

Thanks for reading! smile.png

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