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One thing I hated about Halo 3

Billy Mays

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So before I start my spiel, I just want to say that I loved Halo 3 and it is still my favorite 360 game to date. There is one thing I hated about Halo 3 though, and it didn't have to do so much with the game, it had to do more with some of the players. It used to urrk me when I would see these skilled Halo 3 players who would sell Level 50 accounts to people, for Microsoft point, subscription cards, paypal payments, whatever. It used to bother me because one, the people buying these accounts were usually players who were level 20-40 tops, so it was usually pretty obvious they bought an account or cheated. Secondly, these "salesmen" usually weren't selling there main accounts, they would usually make a new account just for the sole purpose of getting it to a 50 (usually in doubles) and selling it.


Here's an example of these "salesmen" I'm talking about: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnQv_GAVVUU

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That is the only thing that really made me mad in Halo 3. That and de-rankers. Can't count how many times I was trying for my 50 and got a loss because I got a de-ranker on my team. Hoping this kind of conduct doesn't make return in Halo 4 once the True Skill system is implemented sometime in April. Would be a sad day that's for sure.

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There are always bad eggs who try to ruin the experience for others. Even well intentioned systems such as the ranking system will have these things, which is why I am glad it hasnt been visible. While it does need to be a bit more accurate in its matchmaking currently I dont mind that it is invisible as it cuts down on these bad eggs.

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That is the only thing that really made me mad in Halo 3. That and de-rankers. Can't count how many times I was trying for my 50 and got a loss because I got a de-ranker on my team. Hoping this kind of conduct doesn't make return in Halo 4 once the True Skill system is implemented sometime in April. Would be a sad day that's for sure.

Oh, how could I forget the de-rankers, I actually played Halo 3 the other day and ran in to a few of em.


There are always bad eggs who try to ruin the experience for others. Even well intentioned systems such as the ranking system will have these things, which is why I am glad it hasnt been visible. While it does need to be a bit more accurate in its matchmaking currently I dont mind that it is invisible as it cuts down on these bad eggs.

I couldn't agree more.

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altho this was a issue It wasn't as bad as it seemed. The people who bough the 50's gained No advantage in the game by purchasing the account it was just for looks. When i played halo before reach every 50 games i'd fight with or aganist a deranker it wasn't untill after reach I was getting paired with them every 5 games. I had a deranked account it looked cool to me to have 600 exp with a level 10 in mlg or slayer i never sold any accounts Friends did. a Ranking system might have promoted this But no one gained a true advantage. Unlike halo 4 you can boost your k/d and gain perks every 10 levels which to me i find much more unfair then a rank. I meet lots of people in h4 where they have tripled there k/d from regicide boosting and maxing themselfs to 130 and gaining unfair advantages over myself and other players who didn't abuse the system people will always do it no matter what you do.


I really hope when 343 makes the ranking system they don't get lazy like bungie and make a working system to counter these type of players.

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altho this was a issue It wasn't as bad as it seemed. The people who bough the 50's gained No advantage in the game by purchasing the account it was just for looks. When i played halo before reach every 50 games i'd fight with or aganist a deranker it wasn't untill after reach I was getting paired with them every 5 games. I had a deranked account it looked cool to me to have 600 exp with a level 10 in mlg or slayer i never sold any accounts Friends did. a Ranking system might have promoted this But no one gained a true advantage. Unlike halo 4 you can boost your k/d and gain perks every 10 levels which to me i find much more unfair then a rank. I meet lots of people in h4 where they have tripled there k/d from regicide boosting and maxing themselfs to 130 and gaining unfair advantages over myself and other players who didn't abuse the system people will always do it no matter what you do.


I really hope when 343 makes the ranking system they don't get lazy like bungie and make a working system to counter these type of players.

I don't really think the game's ranking system is what caused this, but it did really make me mad. But I've never seen anyone boost their K/D in Halo 4? I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I don't think it's a prevalent as de-rankers, and boosters/ account salesmen was in Halo 3. If you think about it though K/D boosting is just for looks too.

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I don't really think the game's ranking system is what caused this, but it did really make me mad. But I've never seen anyone boost their K/D in Halo 4? I'm not saying it doesn't happen but I don't think it's a prevalent as de-rankers, and boosters/ account salesmen was in Halo 3. If you think about it though K/D boosting is just for looks too.

yeah it was very upsetting in halo 3's later days for me when half my team was jumping up and down with modded controllers to derank. Microsoft was accutaly doing something about this my friend was consale banned 3 times cause of this and still did it sadly. I see alot of people with 3.0 - 4.0 k/d when i check there service record they have over 10k kills in regicide with a pistol it's fairly easy to boost with 2 people and 5 controllers. the difference is i don't think people will wanna buy a account for k/d. both of them give the player no advantages tho most the time the guy can have a 3.0k/d then go -15 in a game doesn't bug me. same thing when we played 50s in doubles and they didn't know how to play.

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yeah it was very upsetting in halo 3's later days for me when half my team was jumping up and down with modded controllers to derank. Microsoft was accutaly doing something about this my friend was consale banned 3 times cause of this and still did it sadly. I see alot of people with 3.0 - 4.0 k/d when i check there service record they have over 10k kills in regicide with a pistol it's fairly easy to boost with 2 people and 5 controllers. the difference is i don't think people will wanna buy a account for k/d. both of them give the player no advantages tho most the time the guy can have a 3.0k/d then go -15 in a game doesn't bug me. same thing when we played 50s in doubles and they didn't know how to play.

Yeah de-rankers became pretty big annoyance, I'm pretty sure alot of people use mnodded controllers in Halo 4 now -_-

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It sucks that people would actually do that. As well why would people even buy it?


To lazy to do it their selves and to soil the reputation of actually earning a 50. Was one downside to the rank. you never knew if they actually earned it or cheated to do so.


A lot of people saw spending 10-20 was a lot better then spending weeks-months trying to earn it.

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To lazy to do it their selves and to soil the reputation of actually earning a 50. Was one downside to the rank. you never knew if they actually earned it or cheated to do so.


A lot of people saw spending 10-20 was a lot better then spending weeks-months trying to earn it.


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