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Anyone else think they let "halo 3" die

Connor Mynors

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Once Reach came out Halo 3 still had a decent sized population for a quite some time. I never really played Reach that much when it first came out. A lot of people don't like the changes that Halo 4 brought about so they went back to Reach but, I'm sure if they could a lot would go back to Halo 3. I love Halo 4 but, Halo 3 was the one that gave me the most fun and had the best game types.

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I don't get how they are dead Halo 3 is being played by a large amount of people because,the price has gone done way low.

Halo Reach is still being played by a large amount of people too. I don't get it just because, a large amount of people don't play it doesn't mean its dead,they will never be dead.

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I don't quite understand what you're getting at with your thread title - "Anyone else think they left Halo 3 die?". I don't understand how a developer can let a game die, players will play a game whenever they feel like playing said game. If what you're getting at is that 343 industries doesn't release title updates and patches for Halo 3, I'm truly dumbfounded. All developers move on to their most current game where the highest population is.


I can however relate to the fact that after Halo: Reach came out, many more boosters/de-rankers appeared on Halo 3. 343 industries/Bungie did not go back and ban people like they used to when Halo 3 was in its prime. If that is indeed your point, I can just say that my previous statement applies (game developers move on to their highest populated/most current game). There is little chance that 343i will allocate workforce to go back onto Halo 3 to try and ban people, and I don't think that you can blame them.


People still have Halo 3 events and sessions, on these days the game has over 10k people. Hope that you understand and if you're still on Halo 3, I wish you the best of luck with your games.


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