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The Roleplay suggestions thread.


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Due to the two recent roleplays; Requiems Secret and War for the Stars, I have decided to create a thread for people to post ideas for roleplays, how it's done, where, when etc. then other people can refine them, make improvements and actually start the threads! This may work, it may not but it could potentially for people who have the ideas but need help etc.


A few ideas:

A 'Zombie Survival' where the Flood has infected a city. We RP characters who survive in the apocalyptic ruins. Room for character development here

One set in the events of and following the Great Schism.(the elites and brutes killing each other) and how the species began to adapt without the covenant. We have seen a glimpse of elites in the Kilo-5 trilogy but what about the rest?

A strategy game. The Peopke make factions and weapons and stuff, a master (chosen at random) decides a battlefield, who vs who and they command their battles to win. It would have rules but wouldn't be as restricted as say, Halo Wars.


What do people think of these?

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I have one I am willing to run for people.


Here's the basis:


Halo based, Create a character/ Characters to run, and tell me when you want to do a mission.


I'll give you a basic outline, Objective, and setting.


from there, you make up your story by yourself.


It's more of a writing compilation, but i think it could be interesting.

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I kinda like Boss' idea. It may not be as much as a role play, unless we're doing joint operations at some point, but it's cool nonetheless.


That's basically what it is, and if people want obviously they can work together on a mission, it's a little less haphazard then the standard RP thread, so no one has to scramble to keep up, and they can control their characters more directly, rather then reacting to what another person did.


Also it opens up the chance to do a ranking system. allow me to explain.


This idea comes from an Assassin's Creed RP group I was in.


One to three people start at higher ranks (Usually the person running the RP, and a few people helping) They assign missions, and review peoples posts.


Everyone else starts as a private. When you post a mission, if one of the "Higher Ups" likes it, they can promote your character.


Just a suggestion, although i don't think people would want to do the ranking thingy....


I'll make an Interest/Sign up/OOC thread for it later, see if I can get a few people.

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