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[ Spoiler ] I think I have evidence of cortana alive...


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I just finished legendary solo today and I watched the videos of spartan ops. Episode 5 was the most interesting. I think cortana is still alive. first halsey mentioned that its the similar to an AI and roland said it looked familiar. ( im guessing roland the infinity AI would know since he is one. ) and remember at this time halsey didnt know chief and cortana was still alive. second it showed memories of what just happend 6 months ago!! when she was still alive!!. am I getting somewhere here. and third is this! I dont know if im the only one that noticed this but look carefully.




is that cortana? sorry for my paint I really dont know how to work this... I just wanted people to know this if it wasnt already mentioned. What you guys think? I hope im going somewhere with this lol


if you guys want to see it just re watch spartan ops episode 5. Right after halsey stares at it it explodes and notice the outline of the explosion.

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  On 2/5/2013 at 10:24 PM, doriftoboy said:

awwwwww maybe I was just too excited I didnt know it was a composed human turned into an AI.....


They kind of explained that during that video.


But still I love the image you captured. Gives a physical appearance to that AI.

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Thx guys I tried so many times to get that screenshot lol. Maybe she turned herself into a promethean AI. she said the last time she see master chief " Most of me is down there" but im getting into the what if and buts. will just have to wait what 343 does with the story. I just cant accept that she is gone. im actually excited to see the next episode of spartan ops.


there was also another thing that was buging me on episode 8 it keeps hinting on cortana. ( maybe im thinking too much about this.... )



first of all its the color is blue and isn't prometheans color is like yellow orange color.




I forgot this elites name and says " A vain attempt to deceive me" but halsey said it wasnt glassman that did it. it was the structure or whatever it is was doing it. Then halsey just typed in some code or something ( from what I remember she created cortana ) and BOOOM open HAHA. I wonder why she just with no hesitation jumped in that beam of light???? this is why I cant wait for next episode of spartan ops or when ever it ends. I hope 343 will give us a hint of either halo 5 or a new version Promethean/USNC Cortana.

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The Prometheans were blue when they were controlled by the Librarian. If the librarian is in that structure like Jul 'mdama (pretty sure I misspelled that) thinks she is, then that would explain the blue light. Cortana is dead and she's not coming back.

Edited by Zuko 'Zarhamee
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There's no way Cortana could be that Promethean A.I. And the light was blue because that was the color of the forerunners, the Didact was just kind of corrupted which explains his orange color. I also thinks that what you said about episode 8 has to do with Halseys research on Cortana because when she was talking to Jul she seemed confident in what she was saying. Maybe Cortana was copied by the Librarian and is still alive on Requiem, but I doubt Halsey knows

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  On 2/6/2013 at 2:11 AM, Sierra1117 said:

There's no way Cortana could be that Promethean A.I. And the light was blue because that was the color of the forerunners, the Didact was just kind of corrupted which explains his orange color. I also thinks that what you said about episode 8 has to do with Halseys research on Cortana because when she was talking to Jul she seemed confident in what she was saying. Maybe Cortana was copied by the Librarian and is still alive on Requiem, but I doubt Halsey knows


thats what i was thinking maybe before the diadect ship exploded she somehow did something last minute and saved herself somehow. if you think about it she is just a program/data like today you can just copy that and paste onto something else. well time will tell whats going to happen. But I believe she is not dead. I cant imagine halo 5 starting and master chief has a different AI -_-;

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  On 2/6/2013 at 8:36 PM, doriftoboy said:



thats what i was thinking maybe before the diadect ship exploded she somehow did something last minute and saved herself somehow. if you think about it she is just a program/data like today you can just copy that and paste onto something else. well time will tell whats going to happen. But I believe she is not dead. I cant imagine halo 5 starting and master chief has a different AI -_-;

well he's not going to get her back in spartan ops so you're gonna have to watch that opening of a lonely chief...
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I'm not sure if Cortana will come back or not, but that AI is a composed human. Neither Cortana or Chief were on New Phoenix when Didact fired the composer, so she couldn't have memories of the city. She might return some other way though, but I think it'd be stupid if they killed Cotrtana off just to bring her back immediately. So Halo 5 or 6, I guess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just finished season 1 of spartan ops. and no cortana it was the wife of the didect. hmm since requiem went to that sun solar system she might be gone. I was thinking if requiem was still intact she would have saved a data of herself or something there and they somehow get it on halo 5 and revive cortana. Guess will just have to wait for the next new xbox to come out. That is the only way I will buy the next xbox if there is halo 5.

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