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Im not sure if this topic has been raised already or if its the right place to throw this but anyways, I want a halo movie. I mean you guys agree right? Ive been screaming in youtube comments saying there should be a Halo movie already, Ever since I played CE Ive always wished they made a movie out of this game.


Well yea they made that short "series" about Lasky and it was great but to be frank its not enough, I was loving those needlers,carbines, camoed elites and those huge badassed hunters but it was just too short. so yea I was hoping for a movie, something I think Bungie com. didn't mind. Since its 343 handling the prods I was hoping for them to hear those who wants a movie.

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A Halo movie would be a dream come true! Im supprised no one did one yet Halo has an amazing story to tell and it would fit perfectly into a movie. As for the plot, well here it is i have already thought it out: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/25367-the-origin-of-the-elites/#entry239100


Ignore post by drunk irish idiot he is just trolling me.

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A Halo movie would be a dream come true! Im supprised no one did one yet Halo has an amazing story to tell and it would fit perfectly into a movie. As for the plot, well here it is i have already thought it out: http://www.343indust...es/#entry239100


Ignore post by drunk irish idiot he is just trolling me.


Haha I guess you were my alter ego so lol...


As for the OP well they had planned to make one and have a script out there.. It was intended to be made but due to disagreements between microsoft and studios District 9 was made instead. Since then the script has been changed and picked up and dropped by a few studios as there is something about microsoft wanting X amount of money in advance of making as well as royalties.


It is a case of too much expense for not enough return, that said with the new series of halo games now going it may be possible to get it made as fan interest is up.


Who knows hope for the best, there is a cool 10 min clip on youtube of a fan made thing that people claimed was the first 10 mins of the movie however.

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I agree. A movie would be awesome. The little video about Foward unto down was awesome but it was only 40 minutes...

It would be nice if they do a movie about Masterchief fighting and defeating the whole floods alive in space. Also, it would be nice if he would have to kill a boss, the God of the Flood. :)

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A movie was already in the works a long time ago but, it was cancelled because of budget issues. It would be nice to see this resurface but, I don't see it happening any time soon.


I would say there is more chance now than ever as the game is going with more installments planned. It was sad to hear it was scrapped the first time and all rumours pointed at microsoft asking for more than any studio was willing to give. That said any studio would still have made money from it maybe not as much as they may have wished but still...


Where there is money to be made there will be people interested.



This was one of the first fan made things I saw when they were on about the movie it was pretty good all considered.

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