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Drop: Neat twist on Slayer gametypes


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Slayer gametype


You start in an ODST Drop pod above the map as it is falling. See, the twist is that your initial spawn is never the same. That red team can't rush for that Scorpion every time anymore! And the blue team can't immediately load up in that gauss...:cray:


Anyways, that's how it starts, and at the end something neat could happen if you'd like. A pelican could come down for the winners or something. Just aesthetics for the ending.


Nice, short, and actually changes up the matches a bit. If you'd like, you could scratch the ODST idea altogether and just randomize spawns. Call it Slayer Roulette. The teams would always be across from each other of course.


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  • 2 weeks later...

i think adding aesthetics to multiplayer like the example you gave is a great idea so long as it doesn't make the matches more laggy. it'd be cool to see a falcon fly over the map every time a player joins your match and a falcon crash every time a players leaves or a pelican with your team color shoots down an opposing team's pelican and vice versa or just other random stuff that happens outside the battlefield that doesn't effect the actual match

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