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Abandoned and Deserted: Forum Roleplay sign up *Non halo related*


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Okay, this is a roleplay set approximately six months after a zombie apocalypse. This is non halo related, and is set in modern times. Now:

Zombies are reanimated corpses, they can sustain injuries but destroying the brain will kill them

They stumble at a slow pace. Not L4D or 28 days later.

Think World War Z(book) or Walking Dead if you're stuck

We are having next to no guns. Now, I'm setting this in a country in the west, there is the odd firearms shop but not many. And not many military personnel.

If you have a gun: you don't have unlimited ammo, and shooting will create a loud noise that attracts more infected. Think wisely.



Anyway, now creation







Weapon(no. You can't have a sniper rifle. Think realistically):




Now to see if this catches on. This is a roleplay for those who don't want to do Halo ones, for example. Anyway, my character will be posted tomorrow.









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Name: Micheal j Caboose

Age: 37

Appearance: blue eyes white skin decent suble short brown hair with little bits of grey

Height: about 6 meters

Clothes: his old ghilles suit

Weapon my wepon of choice is a spiked baseball bat

Personality: good at leadership talkative tatical looks out for others

Backstory: he grew up as a kid in worcester where he watched tons of movies about soilders and things like that he dropped out of high school as soon as he joined it so he then when i was old enought enlisted to the british amry after 4 tours of duty ihe was sent home and weeks later the zombies came he escaped from the city and have been travling for weeks but now he must put his foot down on them hr will stand tall he will not fall

Edited by Caboose the Ace
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Name: Alison

Age: 27

Appearance: red hair, green eyes, female

Height: 5'4"

Clothes: tank top, jeans, and tennis shoes

Weapon: machete

Personality: prefers reliable weapons that don't require ammo, kills any survivors that could have been bitten, very cold hearted toward others

Backstory: she lived in a small town. She had no family with her, and she went through life caring about herself only. She was driving home when the zombies came, and she luckily had a machete in her car. She barely survived the town being overrun and escaped. Now she is roaming, looking for a good place to survive.

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Name: Isaac Freeman


Appearance: Short Dark Brown Hair, Dark Brown Stubble And Slight Scar On Right Side Of Neck

Height:6Ft 10

Clothes:White T-Shirt,Dark Brown Flight Jacket and Dark Jeans. Black Work Boots, Dark Black Backpack.

Weapon: Colt 45 Handgun

Personality:Quiet and A Little bit mentally scarred. Finds it hard to make new friends, but when mind is set on subject, completes with utter proficiency and ruthlessness.

Backstory: Ex Australian SAS Combat Engineer. Retired after 8 years service and began working in a Vehicle Workshop.Mentally scarred from combat experience in Africa and Afghanistan.

Was calling his kids back in Australia when the outbreak occured. Luckily he had his Colt in his car and managed to shoot his way to his apartment to grab some gear.

Edited by SykoWolf
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I think we all know my character's name. Is it unoriginal that I use the same name for all my RP's? :mellow:


Name: Tyler "Ty" MacMillan

Age: 23

Appearance: Has messy black hair and a jawline beard. Rather Average in size, is decently Pale.

Height: 5"8

Clothes: Camo Cargo pants, Black T-shirt, Long black Trench coat. Steel toed boots (what I actually wear daily. O_O)

Weapon: Metal Baseball Bat.

Personality:Your average Gamer. Loud, Obnoxious, Know-it-all. He thinks he'll be the go to guy for the Zombie Apocalypse. Couldn't be more wrong.

Backstory: He's played the games, watched the movies, read the books, he has an Apocalypse kit. He's ready! Or so he thinks.

Edited by D-38 Boss
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Name: Jacob Stokes

Age: 21

Appearance: Blonde, medium length hair, Blue eyes, Dark shadows under the eyes

Height: about 6 ft

Clothes: A black and green jacket with a scarf under the hood. Biker goggles hanging around the neck. Camouflage pants and some walking boots.

Weapon: Baseball bat or Records to throw at the infected

Personality: A quiet guy, is good in combat but rareley talks much. Is a good strategist.

Backstory: Jacob was in university when the outbreak happened. Before things got bad, he managed to grab some sporting gear and make his way out of the centre of the city. Barely. He then managed to find a cellar in a suburb and began to stockpile food. Although he has a decent amount of supplies, he has not yet met anyone in the desolate streets to trade with. Or defend from.

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(I am modeling this directly after myself . Except for the age)


Name: Cavril Yozhov

Age: 39

Appearance: rough white hair(yes, I have white hair), brown eyes, scar across his face.

Height: 6 feet 11 inches

Clothes: Silver trench coat, white scarf, black shoes

Weapon: Really sharp axe

Personality: Difficult/Egotistical(as russians are), quiet, philosophical

Backstory: Cavril was at his house living normal life. He was a renouned pianist(I'm REALLY good at piano), the most famous in Europe. The outbreak began to take his home, Moscow, and he was the only one left. Since Cavril loved his piano, he made a device that could, if you pressed the button, turned into a full keyboard with a stand. Apparently everyone was going to one place: America. He took a boat there and is now roaming, looking to band together with other people and eradicate the virus.

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Well, I sort of figured it was self-explanatory. Basically a Samurai that is American. I'd be chopping off Zombie heads with my high-carbonized steel Katana in very cool slo-mo action sequences. It would make them think twice before attacking wherever we'd be held up.


Zombie Steve: Hey, there are some humans in that grocery store. Let's get 'em!


Zombie Fred: No wait! They've got an American Samurai in there. Don't go in there fool!


Zombie Steve: American what?


Zombie Fred: You know, American samurai. Cold, hardened warrior of the west that follows the code of bushido. We're as good as dead if we limp in there.


Zombie Steve: Good thinking. *Zombies split*

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They don't think. And your character wouldn't be a Demi-god. Post a CS and ill look. It mainly military personnel that I don't want or everyone will be a marine with 6 M9s and a frickin sniper rifle.


They would still attack you, anyways.

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