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Abandoned and Deserted: Zombie Roleplay


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In the early 21st century, after millennia of humankind being the primary predators of the earth, nature seemed to strike back. A sickness spread, infecting the people and killing them. These people would reanimate, as mindless, unthinking carnivores with seemingly one purpose: destroy all forms of life on the planet. The governments and military's of the world ignored this new threat until it was out of hand, and smashing down their front doors.


Six months later, in one of the worst outbreaks in a city in England, survivors struggle on, fighting the infected hordes. But everyday, their numbers dwindle, they fail to see the solutions of working together but fight among themselves. In this new world, where rubble and ruin lie in the streets, where death and disease stalk every corner, all people must change, they must survive off the ever descending number of resources available in the forest of glass. They must fight, and hope to see the end of the next day. These are the tales if the fight back against the horde, how people fought. And people died.


Because war. War never changes.


That is the intro. Like the Fallout reference?




Jacob Stokes.


Jacob looked out from his nest. The house he had taken residence in had been shelled long ago, in one of the army's last ditch attempts to clear the streets. He looked up and down the avenue. On one end of the road, the gargantuan glass skyscrapers loomed. On the other, a rusting tank, some sandbags and some rusty barbed wire. He sighed. He was sick of this, sick if the walkers, sick of measuring life in a matter of days, sick of having to restrict the food he had to eat to ensure he would have something to eat. He missed life, his phone, his computer, hell, even running water. He looked at his watch, 7:30 PM. It was getting dark. Soon the Walkers would roam the streets. Moaning in a never ending symphony until morning. In which he would get up and scavenge. It began to drizzle as the last rays of sunlight left the besieged street. He climbed out of the attic and back into his cellar. With its strsngely reinforced door.

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Isaac Freeman


Isaac slowly jogged through the alleyway back to his apartment, his colt in hand and his eye's darting from corner to corner, sweeping the area for any of the undead.

His apartments fire escape came into view, and the ladder was up just as he left it.

He passed by another alley and glanced in to see 2 undead on the ground crawling around, luckily , neither saw Isaac.

He reached the ladder and carefully pulled it down before climbing up and pulling the ladder with him.

He entered his room through the window and placed down the bag, unloading the ammo and food he had scavanged off of some dead thieves.

He placed the ammo on the table and sat on the couch, sliding his jacket off before closing his eye's for a rest.

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Cavril Yozhov


Cavril sat at his portable piano, moving his fingers across it quickly, playing the Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim theme. He stopped to hear someone climb into a nearby window. The walkers began to fill the streets. Cavil folded up his piano and came to the building. Noticing an entrance, he walked in. There was a moan, and a walker lunged at him. Cavril stuck his axe into its head, then pulled it out. Going upstairs, he saw someone sleeping. Cavril readied his axe, approaching Isaac.

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Isaac heard a creak on the floor and rolled over the back of the couch, grabbing his Colt.

He lifted his colt and aimed it at Cavril's head.

"Dont you F#$%ing move, or I'll blow your brains out!"


Isaac backed up a little bit and pulled his backpack on.


"Now what the hell are you doing in my apartment?"

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Jacob looked at his supplies. In spite of the fact he had found a well stocked house, one that seemed prepared for this kind of thing, he never felt safe. He only played the radio in the lowest volumes, and in the furthest corner of the stone room. And didn't start fires for fear of infected attacks... Or worse. He got a periscope. It was a children's toy he had found in a shop, but had helped him avoided infested areas by looking around corners. He poked it through a gap in the floorboards near the door. The walkers were limping towards the city. In the distance he heard music. He remembered it. Just. Idiotic b*****d would get himself killed playing music like that! The music was haunting though, a reminder if the silent streets that filled the world. He would head into the source of the sound at sunrise. Scavenge food and weapons off the idiot who had just broadcast his position to the entire town.

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The sounds of moaning. And the wet crunch of another step cascaded throughout the night. Despite it all, Jacob managed to sleep. It was interrupted, he had regular nightmares now. The same thing. Being trapped in an alley, dozens of rotting dead crawling after him. Getting closer. Then they would grab him, begin to pull at his hair and clothes. One would go to bite his neck, mouth agape...


And he would wake up. It was repeated every night for six months. The same images. It was his worst fear. His phobia. Trapped.

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Alison had been traveling for hours. She finally arrived at a city she. She drove past an old tank and saw a house that seemed like it would provide good enough shelter for the night. She entered and saw a cellar door, an odd looking cellar door. She walked over and tried to open it. She got it open in time to see Jacob sleeping. She began to take food from the cellar.

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Jacob heard someone inside. He quietly grabbed his baseball bat and smacked her on the back of the head with it. She fell over. He quickly rushed to close the door. Then checked with the periscope that there were no infected outside. He turned the woman over. And whispered

"Who are you? Answer me, or this baseball bat will be hurting a lot more next time!" He said, twisting it round to show the large nail that was stuck in it. Effectively making a skewer. It was deadly against anything. The bat head for knocking people out or over, and the nail for final kill. "And this nail is covered in infected blood, if you want to take the chance" he threatened, showing some blood stains he had not been able to wash off.

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Ty MacMillan.


Ty hopped of the old boat. He looked around. he wasn't happy with what he saw.


"2 weeks in this damn thing... Just to find out England's no better of then the US...."


One escape plan down. None to go.


Ty walked off the dock, Bat in hand. He'd left Massachusetts in a stolen boat with almost no food. What few friends he had were dead, And he didn't care about his parents, Considering how much of a "Disappointment" he was to them. He crept toward a defunct Convenience store, hoping to find some food. After a while he found something.


"A bag of Skittles... Great." He said dejectedly. He tore open the package and leaned against the counter. It was extremely quiet.


"This place musta been one of the first cleared out. No more food for the Z's...." He said to himself.


He finished the Skittles and walked out of the store down the road.


"S---, For all I know i'm the last guy on earth... Good thing I was ready for this... Ok, what did they do In Left4Dead? Oh, yeah! they took a boat to an abandoned island...." He groaned. "A boat filled with Supplies, and 4 people, well 3, to rebuild... That won't work... Walking Dead, they never really got away..."


Ty shook his head.


"This may be harder than I thought..."

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Ty walked down the street further. He kept his eyes locked straight ahead. He'd seen more than enough to keep him awake for the rest of his life.


"Just like Mass... Nothin'."


Ty stopped and walked over to a tourist map to get his bearings.


"Ok, so I'm here.... Perfect, there's a mall just down this way! It worked for Frank West! Why not for me?"


Ty jogged off toward the direction of the mall.

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"Well, considering youre the first person I've seen in six months who is not a Zed-Head, and I don't really like people stealing my hard-earned food. It comes as a natural response. Now, I hope you have not f****d everything up by drawing them here, I have worked for months into slowly turning this place into a defensible location, and I'm not having my plans screwed up by some random woman who drives up the street, oblivious to the noise she's making in a car and just walks in my fort, not even closing the doors! You can have some food, I have more than enough, but at first light, when the Zeds begin to thin out, you. Are. Out of here. Oka-" he was cut off by the sound of heavy footsteps above. "Stay. Still." He mouthed, hopefully, the corpse would look around, decide there was nothing there and move on. If they made a best upstairs, they would both be trapped down there!

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Ty was still a few blocks from the mall.


"Man, I wonder if there's a gun store there? Dead Rising's mall had a gun store..."


Ty turned the corner.


"Oh.... Crap...."


Zombies. Everywhere. a few turned and started shambling towards him.


"Gonna have to Action movie this one..."


Ty started sprinting through the crowd of Zombies, Swing his bat back and forth. He had killed a few but in the crowd he lost his bearings.


He ended up hitting a dead end, surrounded.


Ty gasped for breath.


"This... was a bad... Idea..." He gripped his bat. The horde stumbled closer.


"I could use some help here! anyone!?!" Ty yelled.

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Isaac took another swig from the whiskey and placed his colt back into it's holster.

"Perhaps you could assist me tomorrow? Im going for a supply run down at the Hospital, I need some medical supplies and such, and could use the help....two survivors are better the one eh?"

Isaac placed his feet on the table and leaned back

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Ty was still swinging his bat wildly. He was starting to get tired though. And he wasn't sure if he'd been bitten or not.


"Sonofa-" He grunted as he knocked another zombie's head clear of it's body. He saw an opening and he started to move toward it. After a good 5 minutes of fighting, he was clear of the horde. He could see the mall straight ahead. He managed to rush inside and barricade the door before anymore zombies could come after him. He turned and looked around. Empty. Not even any zombies.


"For once... I'm glad to see no zombies..... now, what can we find?"


After looking around for a while he noticed a lot of the stores were still stocked, at least partially. But finding no other survivors stuck with him.


"I thought I hated people... now I just want to see SOMEONE." He muttered. "someone alive preferably..."


He walked into a convenience store, walked over to the fridge, and grabbed an energy drink. He cracked it open and downed it. He looked around.


"Actually some good stuff here... I should find a backpack or something..."


Ty jogged off to search for a bag.

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"Listen I shall be back soon, make yourself comfortable till i get back"

Isaac grabbed his bag and slid it over his back before exiting the apartment down the fire escape.


He jumped to the alley below and looked around to survey the area.

"No Zombies yet .....I think"

Isaac slid his colt out and began jogging towards the mall where he scavenged his last lot of supplies.

As he rounded the corner he spotted a horde of zombies bashing against the mall door..


"someone must have riled them up....I need to be careful how i proceed"

Isaac ducked down and made a Rhodie run towards the mall's back entrance.

Two Zombies stood in his way, but two swift pulls of the trigger sent them to the ground in a mess of blood and brain matter.


Isaac rounded the back of the Mall and slid open the emergency door, letting it slam closed behind him.


Isaac was in the old sports goods store


"Time to see what our new guest is doing..."

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