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Abandoned and Deserted: Zombie Roleplay


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Ty heard two gunshots from the other end of the mall.


"S---... Oh please be friendly.... and alive...."


Ty started to head toward the noise.


"wait... in Dead Rising, people were psychopaths.... what if... I'd better be careful...."


Ty ducked into a nearby record store and crept along the racks, sneaking toward the area he heard the noise from.

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Isaac crouched down behind the counter and slid out the clip from the Colt.

He reached into his pocket and replaced the two rounds he fired before with fresh bullets.

He slid the clip back into the colt and leaned back against the counter, controlling his breathing and keeping his ears open..


"Come a little closer buddy...." He whispered to himself

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Ty leaned out from the record shop. He shouldered the duffle bag he had found.


"No one? They must've moved off..." Ty walked out from the store and headed back toward the convenience store. He heard glass breaking from the entrance he came on from.


"Oh F---... I gotta move now!" Ty jogged toward the Convenience store, Bat in hand.

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Isaac slowly snuck out of cover and followed the mysterious guy in front of him.

Aware that the zombies were breaking through, he felt like he needed to deal with this new guy one way or another,

so he stuck close, but in the shadows.


Colt in hand he watched as the new guy jogged towards the convenience store.

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Ty reached the store. There was already a decent sized group of zombies crowding the store.


Ty cracked his knuckles and his neck.


"All or nothing Ty...."


Ty lifted His Bat and cracked the nearest zombie's head open. He started working his way toward the storefront.

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Isaac noticed a difference in the new guy for some reason, he wasn't like any bandits or thieves he saw before.


Isaac gripped his colt and stood out of cover and walked slowly towards the new guy, colt raised and fired.


He emptied a clip into the surrounding zombies, headshot after headshot was met with blood sprays and bodies falling to the floor as Isaac easily empties 3 clips into the horde surrounding the store.


He slipped out his knife and planted it into a barely surviving Zombies skull.

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Ty took the strangers hand and pulled himself up, wiping the blood of of his shirt.


"Tyler.... you can call me Ty. Thanks for the assist..."


Ty began loading up his duffle bag with supplies.


"You seen anyone else alive around here?" He asked, wondering how much his Boston accent gave away.

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Other then me?

Some Russian guy..uh..Cavril...back at my apartment.

Thats the only other person I've seen in a while, grab what you need and you should come with..

Isaac stopped when he saw something behind Ty begin sprinting towards the two.. Isaac shoved Ty out of the way and covered his face just as the creature ran right through Isaac who yelled loudly.


"Oh...crap..not again......"


Isaac helped Ty back up.

"I.....my mind isn't what it used to be..so..uh yeah...hurry up and get your stuff so we can go"

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Ty shrugged.


"After all the crap that's gone down... I don't blame you."


Ty finished what he was doing. He had packed two bags for himself to carry, and made a handfull of prepacked Emergency kits, marked "Take one, Make one."


Ty turned to Isaac. "In case anyone else comes by... ya'know..."


Ty put the bags onto his shoulders.


"Ready to go?

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"Im always ready..just follow me and keep low" Isaac aid as he crouch walked towards the sports good's stores emergency door.

Ty followed closely and the pair exited the mall and jogged to the alleyway bordering Isaac's apartment.


"Go up the Fire escape ladder... My apartment is the 7th floor one, I'll follow you up"

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"Im not from here.....that's all you need to know" Isaac said as he followed Ty up the ladder and into the apartment.


"Welcome to my home...for the moment... i managed to barricade this place up pretty good, only way in and out is the fire escape for now"


"Anyways, how bout you...where did you come from?"

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Ty waved.


"Hey, what's your name?"


He set down his bags and took out a bottle of water.


"Oh, and to answer your question, Massachusetts, in the U.S. Got here on a boat i nabbed. Plan A... Didn't go so well."

Edited by D-38 Boss
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Ty looked over to Isaac.


"That S--- has kept me alive this long. so it's obviously worth something."


He took a drink of water.


"Besides, I'm smart enough to know that some rules don't apply. I'm not immune like in Left4Dead. Orange Juice won't heal me like in Dead Rising. and Zombies don't drop ammo like in Resident Evil."


He took another drink.


"But other things do apply, Destroy the head, Gunshots attract them, Fire doesn't kill them, And" He shuddered. "You can use their flesh to disguise yourself from them..."

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"Well, I heard music, coming from the city. Now, either some stupid guy is broadcasting his location to every Walker in the city, or there is a functioning electronic device. Either way, I plan to raid the place. Because Radio equals power. And power equals batteries or a generator. A generator must be well defended to still be functioning. This means people, or a dead bodie to scavenge from. Either way, I plan on heading into the city and scavenging supplies. You can stay with me if you like, I have more than enough food and a pretty safe bunker. If you don't I'll let you take some food with you to... Wherever youre headed." replied Jacob, studying a map with various areas highlighted in different colours. He was plotting a route.

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"Did your video games teach you hot to properly fire and maintain a Colt 45? ... how to fix and customise vehicles out of pretty much nothing? .......did it tell you how to get through secured doors with nothing but a pin and a screwdriver? ....... didn't think so...that's where my military training came in"


Isaac sat up a little

"Life experience is what prepares you, not games.......You kept yourself alive all these days, not your video games"

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