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doubles rant

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When doubles playlist first came out few people would run invis and it was annoying but no big deal. Few days later and now everyone does it. I sick of playing people that couch and invis around the whole map. It even gets worse when they have any power weapon. 343 needs to understand that this is not call of duty. In doubles your not suppose to have every single armor ability because then people will use the dirtiest ones. Radar or not doubles should always have pre loaded classes. 343 you tried to make halo like call of duty and it failed so bad. I hope this is the reason why the update is gonna take another month or so. I just needed to get that off my chest

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peaple may sit invis on the map but that means there not getting kills or flag caps and that means their theam may not be winning so there is a big flaw with sitting invis


I have played people that try hard and crouch invis. It would be a noob decision is any other halo but invis in this game in near impossible to see. I ran around the map and they got first shot every time cause of it. I was also playing solo with randoms but even on a personal note it was f'in me up.

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343 needs to understand that this is not call of duty... 343 you tried to make halo like call of duty and it failed so bad.


Ok, plenty of people will tell you I don't take it easy on 343, but this is just dumb. You need to organize your thoughts a little better before writing them down, because if there is one thing 343 DIDN'T copy from CoD it's crouching with camo. That's Halo 4 and Halo Reach all the way.


Also I'm not sure what kind of doubles YOU'VE been playing over the years, but I distinctly recall plenty of campers in H3 doubles. Doubles has ALWAYS been a playlist full of dirtier tactics, that's what happens when you reduce the amount of players. I can't even really fully explain why, but there was never a doubles utopia where people didn't try to sieze every advantage. Did they have camo back then? No, but again that has nothing to do with Call of Duty and has everything to do with Halo Reach and Halo 4.


I played some doubles yesterday and while I can't recall the name of the map my partner and I got attacked at our spawn pretty early, and by the time we recovered from the first attack we were attacked AGAIN at our spawn. Having beaten back both attacks pretty easy, we decided this was working for us and so we didn't attack, we just stayed at our spawn and played defensively and won the game by a massive margin (30 to 3 I think). We weren't using camo, and I wouldn't even call it "camping" because in this map there are only two items of interest, a sniper rifle and an overshield, and we could get both with a quick sprint. So we didn't leave our spawn because it had high ground and the enemy was happy to feed us kills. Dirty? Maybe. Effective? Laughably so.


I distinctly recall a game in Construct in H3 where the enemy got a lead and started hiding. I remember crouch walking everywhere so as not to alert them, I rounded a corner and spotted them both crouching in one of the alcoves on the bottom level. They hadn't seen me yet so I stuck them for a double kill. They were literally just hiding.


Doubles has never been a playlist of elevated standards and the best plays, it has ALWAYS been a playlist where people minimize risk as much as possible and doing that frequently requires them to play dirty. This is one of the many reasons I've never understood why people speak with such nostalgia about doubles, because even when I do awesome in doubles I think "Yeah but there were only TWO of them."

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Ok, plenty of people will tell you I don't take it easy on 343, but this is just dumb. You need to organize your thoughts a little better before writing them down, because if there is one thing 343 DIDN'T copy from CoD it's crouching with camo. That's Halo 4 and Halo Reach all the way.


Also I'm not sure what kind of doubles YOU'VE been playing over the years, but I distinctly recall plenty of campers in H3 doubles. Doubles has ALWAYS been a playlist full of dirtier tactics, that's what happens when you reduce the amount of players. I can't even really fully explain why, but there was never a doubles utopia where people didn't try to sieze every advantage. Did they have camo back then? No, but again that has nothing to do with Call of Duty and has everything to do with Halo Reach and Halo 4.


I played some doubles yesterday and while I can't recall the name of the map my partner and I got attacked at our spawn pretty early, and by the time we recovered from the first attack we were attacked AGAIN at our spawn. Having beaten back both attacks pretty easy, we decided this was working for us and so we didn't attack, we just stayed at our spawn and played defensively and won the game by a massive margin (30 to 3 I think). We weren't using camo, and I wouldn't even call it "camping" because in this map there are only two items of interest, a sniper rifle and an overshield, and we could get both with a quick sprint. So we didn't leave our spawn because it had high ground and the enemy was happy to feed us kills. Dirty? Maybe. Effective? Laughably so.


I distinctly recall a game in Construct in H3 where the enemy got a lead and started hiding. I remember crouch walking everywhere so as not to alert them, I rounded a corner and spotted them both crouching in one of the alcoves on the bottom level. They hadn't seen me yet so I stuck them for a double kill. They were literally just hiding.


Doubles has never been a playlist of elevated standards and the best plays, it has ALWAYS been a playlist where people minimize risk as much as possible and doing that frequently requires them to play dirty. This is one of the many reasons I've never understood why people speak with such nostalgia about doubles, because even when I do awesome in doubles I think "Yeah but there were only TWO of them."


The reason why I missed Doubles so much was because of the competition. I know the person/people I play with and so there is communication NON STOP and games can quickly get "heated." With every other playlist offered at the moment, I never get hyped up for a game since I usually find myself running alone and pairing up with mic-less players (boring). I'm looking forward to Slayer Pro when it returns btw. Nothing beats winning a 2v2 (4v4) match with my bros and having the oppenents talk smack and invite us to a custom game, only to get slayed again. THE BEST FEELING EVER (or close to it).


That's about it. Yes there is camping and hiding, however that only elevates the pressure. I dont tend to see this much as I play Doubles in Halo 4, ONLY WHEN PLAYING PRO. That's when it will get annoying, but there are so little places people can actually try to hide on the maps that we find them quickly enough. Not like Construct as you mentioned (I remember plenty of games like that).

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Ah yes, there are certainly fewer hiding spots in H4 maps. That's a defining feature of H4 maps actually. Although it's pretty easy to disappear on Abandon since the outskirts of that map see so little traffic. I also won't deny there's a certain increase in pressure when it's just you and single teammate, the fewer players there are the more your individual performance matters.


That might be another reason 1v1 never picks up, because people don't like it when they don't have room for error. Without a team or even enemies backing you up you have only yourself to blame when you lose, and you really only have to lose to a player once to know for sure "Yeah, that guy is just plain better than me." You can't instead comfort yourself saying things "If they hadn't had their teammates there..."


I think in H3 when a lot of people were getting their hardcore thrill from doubles I was getting it from Lone Wolves though. I don't dislike doubles, I just never found anyone so close to my level that it felt like a fun match for both of us. Either they were carrying me or I was carrying them usually. My two brothers were very close to my level, we would trade off being the best, but our history as siblings kept us from developing good team play and communication. Eventually when I found people who might have been just about right we played other playlists.


I would be very happy to enjoy doubles in H4 consistently, although I'm terrible with the railgun and the few games I've played show that is a major problem. I also still get furious about things like running into cover but still dying to a headshot, and spending 6 seconds waiting for my shield to begin recharging. The one game I enjoyed most was the one I talked about in my first post where we just stayed in our base the whole time letting the other team come to us, and that doesn't seem like a good game to measure the playlist by, so we'll see.

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