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Ragnarok graffiti easter egg?


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Do you remember, in Halo 3, the graffiti on Valhalla, depending on the day? For example, on New Year's Day, the phrase "Make love, not war" was written on a wall. What if something like this was in Halo 4? I didn't play on Ragnarok on Christmas, so I couldn't notice. But if someone can change the date on their console and check the original spot or the entire map, post here if you found something :)


Oh, and is there an "Official 343i day"? :awesome:

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These were all the original Halo 3 Wall Graffiti Easter Eggs.

  • January 1 (New Year's Day): Make Love Not War
  • April 22 (Earth Day): A skull with a recycling sign.
  • May 5 (Cinco De Mayo): Toady Was Live!
  • July 4: BBQ at Bob's Place (this is a reference to Marathon in which you kill BOBs or BOB-B-Qing).
  • July 7 (Bungie Day): Seventh Column Symbol.
  • October 31 (Halloween): A grave stone that has the initials "R.I.P.", meaning "Rest In Peace".
  • November 11 (Veteran's Day): Kilroy Was Here.
  • December 25 (Christmas): A Christmas light with an X on it.

I doubt there is though, but who knows. Maybe there might be. 343i isn't good at Easter eggs, so this might be a good finding if they actually installed a new one.

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