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A German simulation


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Let's say your German. And one day you went out shopping. Luckily you were able to get plenty of sausage. But the checkout area is really crowded. The reason for this is because the cashier is a Spaniard. The Spanish are known for their free and easy lifestyle. That's why a crowded checkout area is a daily occurrence in Spain. A greek is putting items on the checkout table. Greeks are even free-er? and more easygoing than the Spanish. Which is why in Greece, this is another daily occurence. Then, an Italian cuts in line. In Italy, cutting in line is normal. You as a German are very irritated. However the Austrian in front of you is even more irritated. Oh no! It seems the Spaniard and the Greek have started to chat with each other. And another Italian gets in line. He doesn't cut, but he is very loud and obnoxious. A Japanese man says something.


Austrian: HEY YOU! Stop your chatting! We are all trying to get through the line here! Are you listening?! I'm talking to you!


-In the background quietly- Russian: Calm down, calm down.


-Chatting between Spaniard and Greek continues-


Austrian: GAH! What am I supposed to do with you?!


American: Hahahahaha!


Finnish man: Your in a good mood? Perhaps I should tell you a joke then!


-Lots of talking in the background-


Your regular German self: T____T




The end!

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