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Have you guys ever seen the covenant and prometheans fighting?


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Don't you think that it's strange that the we never saw those two factions fight? I mean almost all halo games have 2 other factions fighting besides the unsc like flood versus covenant. I just found it weird.....


Please correct me if I'm wrong because I never actually finished the second level of halo 4

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Yup its was all guns a blazing till the didact popped his ugly head out, however this leaves me questioning one thing!!! If the chief killed the Didact the why do the covies not bow to him being as (not knowing all the details of the fight) the chief would be seen as superior.


Just a thought..

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they did win they were blue they attacked each other so they have


Yup its was all guns a blazing till the didact popped his ugly head out, however this leaves me questioning one thing!!! If the chief killed the Didact the why do the covies not bow to him being as (not knowing all the details of the fight) the chief would be seen as superior.


Just a thought..

some do no he is the deamon and are afraid of him but they won't bow to him that would make them hertic

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