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a new storyline plus map story's in halo 4 it's gonna be awesome and a mixture of linear and camper map it's gonna be awesome my GT is: thatyouknowguy message me if you have ideas or wanna help out in the next part. TO KNOW MORE PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO MY YOUTUBE: somecrazym0ther****3r


this is part one and this is the storyline so far............


your a miner in a facility only then ONI started sending in marins, they did not tel why. and those who asked had bin moved from the mines, later you saw them take away dead body's. you haven't bin down there since the troops came in, and today they started handing out waepon sets we all also got lessons how to shoot -but why?- that was on the surface

later they told us about us digging to deep. they sad we realesed an acien infection called the flood. then they brought in some infected body's -horrible-. they sad we should be happy that the facility was very far from any place were humans live, and that it's our duty to help assist destroy them. a few sad they weren't doing **** about cuz it was way to dangeres and sad they were going home and from there call us -never heard a single word- and now were about to go down...................

please send me a message on X-Box Live with what you think about the map and/or storyline...........

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