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Do the Halo 4 maps suck?


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yes and no i like the forge maps better they are more unique than halo 4 maps which are easy to move around a forge map is like and unknow area of the world and has it's own story to it so in my opinion it does suck a bit but they're still pretty cool for the aesthetics of it 

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As far as I am concerned the proportion of "good" maps is well in line with Reach and Halo 3. It's like eveyone in this thread suddenly got amnesia and forgot all the maps that weren't that great in the past. Every single halo game since the second one, people have complained about the maps on the official forums in each new release and adopted this exact same outraged tone I see here.


In fact the DLC maps in this Halo are overall of a better standard than some of the DLC packs in previous games.

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I can not stand Settler! Everybody votes for it every time and it's just awful. The spawns are in the open so as soon as one team starts pulling a lead, you just get spawn killed. The ridge lets you see the entire map and you just get shot across the map.

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Some maps suck, some maps don't. Take Adrift for example, NO ONE likes Adrift. I personally like Exile, Vortex, Ragnarok and (My favorite) Solace.

So it's basically just your opinion on everything. Some feedback by members here may just tell you the maps suck. 

You'd have to play and decide yourself what you think about them. I, personally, like them.

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