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So I Heard Stongside Won The UNSC Truck


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And I mean that in the literal sense as in I have no actual confirmed source for my information. Just stumbled upon it reading random messages on the Internet (I know, sounds sketchy)


Can anyone confirm this, because I have tried Google and my searches have been quite inconclusive.


If he did win, then wow. I actually didn't expect a well established Halo Pro to win the truck. I always assumed it would just be some random no-name that came out of nowhere. Thoughts? Or if someone else won, let me know.

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  On 2/15/2013 at 8:28 AM, TornadoFlame said:

i heard so to. Honestly it was all about playing. i could have shared my gamertag with 5 people in different timezones and won the truck.

A tournament with no skill involved. if the game was like halo 3 and took much more skill i might have tried this challanage but i couldn't play this game for more then a hour.


This. If you had enough people to constantly play on one account you could win too.

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  On 2/15/2013 at 8:28 AM, TornadoFlame said:

i heard so to. Honestly it was all about playing. i could have shared my gamertag with 5 people in different timezones and won the truck.

A tournament with no skill involved. if the game was like halo 3 and took much more skill i might have tried this challanage but i couldn't play this game for more then a hour.


To be fair, StrongSide won an FFA Tourney back in Halo 3 under a different tag. I don't remember the name of the tournament, but I remember a special FFA Tourney event and I later found out he won it


As I've said a few times, the best players are still the best because they still do whatever they have to in order to win. That's what makes them the best. Even some of the old MLG Pros that aren't playing professionally any more could still pick up a matchmaking game and completely dominate most of the games they played. Even when they're no longer in the top 0.001% or whatever percentage the professionals make up, they're still going to be in the top 0.0016% or something.


I know when I come back from a long break it takes me awhile to get back in the swing of things, but things like smart positioning stay with you forever. I remember after long breaks from H3 I'd come back and never score in the top of the board, but I'd focus on contributing to my team and go something like 9-2, which was still positive and therefore acceptable to me.


Communication also stuck with me, some buddies and I picked up Reach after a long absence from it and we were on one of those forge maps we'd never played before. My call outs kept our shots coordinated (it was a simple enough map that I could say things like "left" and that was enough) and I went something like 13-0 while my friend who was much less experienced got a perfection 17-0 or thereabouts. I didn't think about it much as we were playing, but that flow of information let my teammates move and strike with consequence. If I hadn't been the only one calling things out I imagine we would have crushed even harder, because when you're the only guy on the team making call-outs you tend to play "alarm" a lot, finding enemies and either dying or retreating a lot.


I am nowhere near the league of any pro or ex-pro, but the point is good gameplay habits help you long after your prime.


Unless of course they change the game so dramatically that your foundation crumbles, but hey that's Halo 4 for me.

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Haha sorry about the truck/jeep thing I didn't really know what it was that you win. I played him and Elamitewarrior in Halo 2 challenge in the same game.  (H2Challenge was a FFA playlists bungie put out for I think 2 weeks where the top 8 ranked players would then compete in a final FFA for an xbox 360 and other prizes) We played Rumble Snipers on Burial mounds ( I was very good at team snipers back then because it was so much fun and we had sort of a sniper community that pretty much everyone knew eachother ranked 40+) and I actually came in 3rd, some random guy game in 1st, Elamite in 2nd, and StrongSide in 4th. I used to have all the links to games I wanted to remember, but just for you I went in and fished this one up 






He changed his name to Technicity

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I would have gotten murdered if it wasn't snipers though lol I played o Deviouz o in another game who was semi pro at the time and he won pretty easily. H2challenge was fun but again it required you to play a lot if you really wanted to get in the top 8. I played a lot more pros in Halo 3 than in Halo 2 because :


1. I was better at Halo 3

2. MLG playlist had a lot of pros

3. I knew people who had pros on their friends lists and we would run 4's and FFA's

4. Gamebattles


Honestly there was less of a skill gap in Halo 3 than in Halo 2. If I was to play the ogre twins in their prime in H2 I would get owned. I truly believe that I could have played well on a pro team in Halo 3. I was never the worst player in a game and always held my own. I played on 2 teams in H3 and we beat semi-pro teams a few times, if we put in more time and effort we could have probably done some more damage. 

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Destroyaa, at least you can say you have played a lot of pros. I have seen your list in the "other" MLG section and it is quite impressive. Like I said, I hope that we have our own group of pros that play matchmaking in 4 (not Ninja, I can't stand him for some reason). Maybe as time goes on Halo 4 will have its own new list of established pros.


Dinosaur, I am sure if he won he did deserve it. He is a national champion on a Legendary Halo team. He has put the time in, even if it wasn't in this game. Though if it had to go to a pro, I would have rather it gone to Walshy or Ghostayme or something. I have never been a big fan of Strogside.

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Gandhi actually just started streaming again, he is my favorite pro and is just so funny to watch play. I'd suggest watching his stream on twitch.tv if you want to watch a pro play. He's definitely not as good as he was back in Halo 2 but he'll get back to playing at a high level at some point

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