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No ODSTs in halo 4?


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I only wonder why. Granted, the role of superior friendly AI has been taken by the spartan fours, but I feel like the ODSTs were far better, they could actually aim, they took cover, ect, ect. But the spartan fours seem like the special Ed Spartans, their range is so bad, and they hesitate to shoot so often. I don't care if they have shields or not, they are a disgrace.

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I kinda hate this thing. ODSTs were in Halo since Halo 2, they were cool, funny, the ODST drop was also in FUD, there's almost an entire book based on the ODSTs, and an entire game with them as protagonists. Now these stupid, useless, boring Spartan 4s are the worst AI controlled allies i've ever seen. They're not cool just because they are spartans, you aren't pleased just to see them hanging around doing nothing. "Oh hey look, they're spartans, cool!" No.

I really hope they'll bring 'em back in Halo 5.

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Well, Spartans are "better" than ODSTs for the UNSC. They are awesome, I would like Halo 4 to have both Spartans and ODSTs. But... I kinda get what 343i was trying to do, they wanted John to feel lonely, with his only companion being Cortana.


Techincally, they're better, but an ODST drop is and always will be the best for me. Thus the Spartans are always quiet, never say a joke, they're not as funny as ODSTs. Oh well they surely managed to do it, while i was playing i felt really lonely...poor Johnson.

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I loved ODST far more, even though I hate them, Spartan IV's are just.. dim-witted. At least when I played the campaign in the other Halo's, at least some ODST had different armor, but in Halo 4, all the Spartan IV's have the EXACT same armor, except in Spartan Ops.

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I really miss the ODSTs. Its like when a war wasn't swaying twards the UNSC and a battle isn't being won they drop in some BA ODSTs they come in wreck everything with they're awesome black armor and to me they were the symbol of hope, that we don't need motified super soldiers from a young age. Now they can just mass produce Spartan IVs and its just not the same. Not to mention the terrible AI system and delayed reaction time. I swear I've seen grunts take more evasive maneuvers. I just feel like the Spartan IVs are lacking what Spartan II and IIIs had. Maybe uniqueness?

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I suspect that Reach + Halo 4 sort of shook the etch-a-sketch on canon and made more Spartans seem much more appropriate. After all they had 4 years to get new spartans ready, and since they ARE officially "better" ODST probably continue to serve a more Spec Ops role.


The trouble is that in-game the A.I. allies have gotten even WORSE than they were in Reach. I don't know why Bungie and then 343 decided to do this, because I used to enjoy outfitting my marines with the best weapons from the battlefield. Instead of picking between a sniper rifle and the beam rifle I had just killed a jackal for, I'd just give one to my A.I. Marines (preferring to give them to an ODST, and preferring to give the A.I. the weapon with less ammo since they had infinite ammo, and preferring to give them the sniper rifle since 4 shots in rapid succession by a legendary A.I. was much more useful than the slower beam rifle).


I was disgusted when you first get allies in the game and they just walk out and die instantly (Not even exaggerating on the "instantly," just as I was annoyed when the marines in Reach suddenly forgot how to drive). It was a feature of the game few people understood but some of us really enjoyed utilizing, and since I start and end my campaigns on Legendary, these paper mache guys are all I get. It used to be on Legenary you were glad when the marines arrived because you really could use the help, now even when I've kept them alive long enough to give them good weapons they still only lasted for a few seconds. I guess Bungie and then 343 decided that having useful marines made the campaign too easy or something, but it was another way to play certain segments. Lately I've been playing Iron Brigade from the Arcade, you're allowed to use A.I. in that to your advantage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i love the spartens more why u ask becase it makes me realry want to keep them  alive and when one dies it make me feel like i  lost one of my sparten brothers


I know, but i was sad also when anybody died, Marines or ODSTs. It's just that ODSTs were cool, and after reading The Cole Protocol, Glasslands and The Thursday War it seems nonesense to me to not put them in the game.

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