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For My Son


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Idk about you guys, but the first time I went through the library on CE during legendary, I had nightmares for a couple of days. :3 lol jk, but in all seriousness, I get how a little could could get nightmares from such a game if he hasn't been acclimatized to it. While I doubt that they would make a Lego Halo, or childize it in any way, what you can do is get him used to less violent RPG games that have a little bit of violence and whatnot (Elder Scrolls, KOTOR, etc.) and then let him work his way up the chain to Halo. This will help him properly acclimatize himself to a bit of violence, which will then mean that he will not get nightmares. :D And, you could try playing it with him as a father son thing, so it's even less threatening to him.

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