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Why does the UNSC still use the MA5 rifles?


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In the human covenant war they clearly demonstrated that they are significantly sub-par in fighting covenant when compared to other weapons in their arsenal. Other than its reliability and cheapness, I don't see any reasons to use it. Heck, in halo 4 the pistol is more practical and it costs less. Anyone have an explanation for why they still hang around? (Other than gameplay reasons.)

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they could probably be issuing more battle rifles to marines and such because of their efficiency. The magnum is probably one of the most overpowered sidearms that i've ever used in a video game..... but i guess its still considered a sidearm. DMR stands for designated marksman rifle, so it cant be issued to everyone out there because it for the best shooters. Power weapons are probably a lot more expensive to produce. And for the AR..... i guess its ok.....sometimes....... not really.....

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Most of Halo's weapons aren't that good on a wartime scale. Look at the beloved sniper rifle, it always revealed the person wielding it and it took that thing 4 games to learn how to hurt vehicles. What's balanced and effective in an arena shooter just happens to be different than what works in an actual war. Heck we don't even use personal firearms if we don't have to anymore, that's what drones are for...


More on topic: The AR always fell a little short. It should have gotten better instead of worse, but both Bungie and 343 decided it must continue to suck and so it does. For some reason a weapon that requires you to get very close to use it became the standard issue grunt weapon for the UNSC, how those idiots win wars without Chief is beyond me. Oh wait, they don't.


It's really like a full-auto musket.

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Pretend the game would go with the lore and not the gameplay. The Assault Rifle would be far far better than the battle rifle and DMR.


What I mean is in the game the Assault Rifle is only really accurate about 20 feet in front of you. Guns (assault rifles) today can be accurate up to at least 400 meters away. 7 meters is really far off of that. So imagine that in a battlezone it can actually hit something accurately 200-300 meters away.

Edited by WonderWombat
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I think as stated above its limited range in gamepllay is to allow for the existance of other guns, in a reality like situation any gun has more range than that so its built into the storyline.


Also it is cheap, cheerful and effective against unarmoured enemies (insurgents, grunts, etc.)


They should have kept it more like the CE original one.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOO The CE AR was waaaay too OP.

60 round clip, and it did way too much damage.




Nothing but the pistol was OP in CE because the pistol was SO GOOD that you never used anything else but a sniper rifle or rocket launcher.


The AR NEEDS a deep clip, anyone who knows anything about the weapon and doesn't just hate it for personal reasons knows that. Dropping its clip size was the biggest nerf they ever dealt to the weapon, and it's NEVER done "too much damage." The AR has NEVER been "OP" EVER.

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In a war where people die by their thousand's, you need weopan's by their thousand's, the Assault Rifle meet's that criteria, as does the Pistol. They are cheap to make, just like training thousand's of Marine's. Such specialist weopan's like, BR, Sniper and other such weopan's cost more, and will go to different unit's, other than Marine's, or Leader's.

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