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Would You Like Halofight?  

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  1. 1. Would You Like Halofight?

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Sorry for the Name guys, I couldn't really think of a Good one atm. So here's what it would be:

This would be a Firefight Gametype, that would have it's own playlist.

It would be more like FF Versus, but the Human team would also have AI's and they would be dropped from Pelicans. Vehicles would also be dropped when the other team gets them too, to balance it out. It would pretty much be a HUGE battle that would go on until the game ends, and whichever team has the most points, wins. This would be awesome, and very enjoyable. You wouldn't be able to spawn with power weapons though, as that wouldn't be very fair. And if you died during the Wave, you wouldn't be able to spawn until the next wave. Each wave, more troops are dropped off for both sides, and if you died last wave, you're dropped off in a Pelican/Phantom/Other Dropship along with your troops. This would make much more sense and it would be awesome to make a movie out of this. Please add this along with Floodfight, which is self explainatory. Thanks!

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I think it is a great game and should be incorporated in HALO 4 (the more things, the better), though I would add somethings.


(This game looks like an old game of star wars)


Instead of dropping from a dropship, you could be dropped using a drop pod (like ODST), the map should be enourmous and such vehicles as pelicans, phantoms, falcons, etc, should be place in-map and be used as a mean of transport (not all vehicles should appear in the begginnig and you should be able to control it as we do now in Reach)

When you enter a vehicle that can transport more than 1 person (for the knoun vehicles, all except the banshee, the ghost and the chopper), you should be able to give commands to the AIs around you either to enter or to get out of the vehicles (smth like this very old star wars game had)


Moreover, it could have gametypes, meaning, not only a deathmatch but with objectives like territoires, for example.


Finally, each team should have one or more bases where the power weapons appear, but, again, only in a later phase.


Anyway, great idea, hope it makes out to the final game,


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