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Crysis 4 Cofirmed


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The following is taken from Examiner and a pcgamer article

(Green text from Article, Orange is my own words)



Crysis 3 appears to be one of the biggest releases this year, following the critical success of Crysis 3. Many people have wondered if a Crysis 4 would happen, and obviously rumors fly around like arrows. However it seems, Crytek themselves have said Crysis 4 WILL be appearing on the Playstation 4.




While "Crysis 4" has been partly assumed to be coming from Crytek in the future, there was some doubt surrounding the game until Crytek themselves said "Crysis 4" would be coming, and it most likely will end up on the Playstation 4.


According to a report from

OPM on Friday, Crytek CEO and founder Cevat Yerli did confirm there will be another "Crysis" installment.


Yerli talked about how the New York setting was not immediately accepted by fans and it wasn't a layup deal.

He said he hopes the new urban rainforest will prove to be a great combination of the first and second game.




Many people will be wanting a few more details about Crysis 4, but obviously this early into production, especially after Crysis 3 is still set to release, there wont be many details, however , there are hints at more Rainforests making an appearence in the next Crysis.


Between the two games, he hopes fans will love this next installment, given that it seems to be including many aspects from the first two games.



Yerli also did confirm that the development team is going to work on "Crysis 4," but they haven't penned anything on paper yet.

It is completely unmade, Crytek just knows this will certainly be doing it.

Previously, "Crysis 3" producer Michael Elliot Read talked about how established the "Crysis" franchise is and acknowledged the development team is already thinking about what's next.


"I think over the last five years we have built up a strong and identifiable franchise, especially in the FPS area.

"We are now talking about what we can do in taking the Crysis franchise into a new space and do something different outside of the story we have been telling with this trilogy," Read said.


He has also been spotted talking about whether or not they could take the franchise further than where it is right now.

And we could go in so many different ways in this franchise at this point, and weave in alternate story lines from different tech, to different realities and things like that. So moving past 'Crysis 3,' we have a lot of opportunities moving forward outside of this.


"'Crysis' is something that has really helped build Crytek to what it is today.


"From the CryEngine 2 with the original 'Crysis,' to what we’ve done with the CryEngine 3, and the number of licensees, and how we’re continuing to grow out that, in terms of film, and games, and architecture, and all of these different facets.

"We’re moving in quite a number of different directions," Read said.



Other rumors also surfaced about the fact that maybe Crysis 4 WILL NOT be a FPS...


After the glossy trilogy’s completion, Crytek could explore other genres for the Crysis franchise. Speaking to Dusty cartridge, Crytek Producer Michael Read said he believed the dont call it Crysis 4 sequel would keep the saga going, but not necessarily as a shooter.


“I think the Crysis franchise itself has life left in it,” Read said. “Whether it’s in a different game type format or whether it’s expanding upon this, it’s hard to say. That’s going to be up to the designers at the end of the day. Crysis was always intended to be a trilogy, and I think that over that time we’ve built a really cool universe. We haven’t really gone in and said, ‘Hey, let’s put Nanosuits and clown suits and stuff and completely violate and sell our IP.’ We have a lot more life left in that to go back and try some unique stuff. Whether it’s FPS or not I have no idea, but there’s definitely a future in the franchise.”



With this all said, we will have many more months before more solid information will be released. For now, we can take solice in the fact that Crysis 4 WILL be coming to the Playstation 4, as an exclusive title? who knows....this is still in its early stages.



Discuss below :)

Edited by SykoWolf
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Crysis is all about high specs, and pushing modern technology to its limits, the first Crysis wasn't really so much a game as a tech demo. So it would make sense for them to take it to where they can still get console sales, but not dilute the PC version that much. Based off of what we saw yesterday, the PS4 has the power for them to treat it as if it was a mid level PC, so it seems to be right where they want it.


Now based off of rumors, recent developments with the xbox 360, and last E3, it's safe to say that the Nextbox will be more geared to casual gamers and won't be anywhere close to as powerful as the PS4. Now if this is true (which I hope it isn't because I like competition) then that would give Crytek a good reason to only develop for the PS4.


Or more likely, they just can't talk about the next xbox because it hasn't been announced yet.

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