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Show Why You Love Halo Valentine's Contest


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From Dogiojoe:

In accordance with the national “love” holiday, I am holding a contest to see who loves Halo the MOST. From today until February 28th, 2013 at 11:59MT, submit an entry into one (or all) of the following 4 categories and get a chance to win a Master Chief Avatar Costume!


Category #1: Draw or paint something related to Halo.

Category #2: Write a TRUE story of why you love Halo. It can be about your first moment playing one of the games or why you love a favorite playlist; even a story about how you met your boy/girlfriend via Halo, just make sure that it's true, and includes why you love Halo.

Category #3: Edit a video montage style. Trying to get noticed as a pro Halo gamer? Already a pro and just waiting for the public to react to your insane play style? Well if you have gaming footage of your Halo matches and a computer, I want to see your talents!

Category #4: Edit a video trailer mash-up style. Like to mash up trailers and music into a video? I want to see your talents! Upload a Halo mash-up.


Check out the rules and all related information via the link below!

Show Why You Love Halo Valentine's Contest


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