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Post Your Favorite Play Date Idea!

Absolute Dog

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Post up your ideas for some upcoming Community Play Dates for the forum to enjoy. Better yet, create a thread in the General Discussion and find out how much support from the community you can get for your play date idea to ensure we will a good turn out for it. So, regardless how crazy some of the ideas may get, post them up and lets see what the members really want to do on a play date.

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I would like to hear more on that.


Well we'd have to find maps that are adventure maps and that could pose a problem. I did end up finding mine on Reach just barely, still haven't recovered it but I know someone has it in their temporary history haha.


Also for this play date we could have people spend the week Forging their own adventure maps. You can make a pretty decent one in a week if you have the time to put into it

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Well we'd have to find maps that are adventure maps and that could pose a problem. I did end up finding mine on Reach just barely, still haven't recovered it but I know someone has it in their temporary history haha.


Also for this play date we could have people spend the week Forging their own adventure maps. You can make a pretty decent one in a week if you have the time to put into it

i don't know how to build one you might want to explain that to them if some don't know

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drizzy i like your idea. because i don't think you got this from the show of adventure time BUT i do love that show. and bearclawskiller i like the idea and all (i don't want to be a downer or anything like that) but how would we know if we laughed at the joke and if we somehow did know they didn't then how would we know if kept an ice cube in their mouth until it melted? the only way i think is xbox live chat


my idea is having a map which would be invasion but it's set up like a star wars battle front two space battle. i love that game but it doesn't work on my pc anymore

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Alright, imagine a playdate (gestures to an open area) greater than any before, (places arm on the back of your shoulders, leading you towards the area, while whispering in your ear). And at this playdate a group of 8 people get together, having 1 hour, enter into a forge world and must create a basic competitive map of any size, with any gametype they want. After each team finishes, they have an additional hour to test and make any necessary changes. After these two hours are up, the various groups get together and play on the maps, and at the end, the most liked map wins!

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