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Dead Space 4?


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So as I sit here, just having finished Dead Space 3, and feeling rather satisfied I began to wonder if perhaps a Dead Space 4 will be developed...many will say no..impossible...not going to happen....


But how about I tell you 2 facts that are likely to change your mind....


Anyone who remembers Dead Space 1, will remember that the first letter of each chapter name spells out "NICOLE IS DEAD" referring to Isaac's ex Girlfriend, who was indeed dead by the time he arrived at the USG Ishimura.


Well, the first letter of each of Dead Space 3's Chapters spells out.....



Wait for it......





(That will make sense only if you finished Dead Space 3)



This suggests that Isaac did not actually finish off the necromorphs once and for all, leaving the possiblity of a Dead Space 4 HIGHLY likely...


Now for the fact that could lead to Isaac returning in this next installment...



You hear him whispering Ellie's name right at the very end...also suggesting that he lives....



These 2 facts are too big to ignore so I for one will be happy when they announce the next Dead Space if they do, and Very much so welcome Isaac back




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