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Xbox 720 Expected To Be Revealed In April


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Rumors have been flying around that Microsoft will reveal there Next Gen Xbox In April



Microsoft's response to last week's Sony PS4 launch may come as soon as April with the launch of the new Xbox console, reports have claimed.

One senior Sony official, who did not wish to be named, claimed Sony had "ruffled some feathers" at Microsoft with its next-gen pitch and was another to lend his voice to the possibility of an April riposte.

War is brewing


reports also revealed that a Microsoft PR partner, which has worked with the company on previous launches, has registered the domain name XboxEvents.com. Make of that what you will.

If Microsoft does unveil the next-generation Xbox in April it is highly unlikely that we'd see a repeat of the hardware no show, which somewhat overshadowed Sony's two-hour launch event in New York.

Shortly after the PS4 event Microsoft's director of programming for Xbox Live Larry Helb (aka Major Nelson) mocked his company's great gaming rival for not showcasing the goods.

He tweeted: "Announce a console without actually showing a console? That's one approach"

On Friday PlayStation's US boss Jack Tretton assured that the physical incarnation of the PS4 will be showcased at E3 or sooner.


Could it be timed to coincide with Microsoft's big reveal?


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  • 3 weeks later...

It'll be good to find out which of the current rumours are true at the very least, because the more of them I hear the more cautious towards the new console I become. Some of the worries I have are just things which would irritate me, but there are a couple of real deal-breakers too, and more than anything I just want to know whether I should be saving for the new console, or start looking around for PC components instead.


Rumoured stuff that would annoy me, but I could live with:

  • No backwards compatibility
  • Required new controllers, mics, and chatpads
  • No DVD compatibility (only runs blu-rays)
  • Replacing the current chat/messaging system with Skype

Rumoured stuff that would stop me buying altogether:

  • No used games
  • Always-on internet connection required
  • Kinect 2.0 required at all times
  • Including Kinect 2.0 in any games in a way that I can't just ignore
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The only thing I will say about the new console is I certainly hope Microsoft has learned their lesson about releasing products before they are finished. The whole chasing of holiday releases or competitors release dates for the sake of money shows a complete lack of respect to the consumer.

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i will try the new xbox but I'm not too fond of the rumors and how it sounds. all of the rumors that redstarrocket mentioned i don't like and i'll probably go back to 360. the only reason i will buy this which I'm disappointed about id for halo 5 and 6. other wise I'm a staying with 360

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