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The Future of the Magnum


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All right, "Elite" said my poll was one-sided, so I'll remove my influential opinions (lol) and make some unbiased, boring points.

There are many options for Halo 5's Magnum. Each iteration throughout the saga has had its perks and flaws. In CE, the "Pistol" was great--a lightning-fast three-shot kill with 2x zoom, deadly accuracy, and a high skill-curve. Its two major flaws in my opinion were that it had a large clip (12 bullets, I believe), which forgave errant shooting, and it dominated all other non-power weapons, leading to sometimes monotonous--yet consistent--matches.
In Halo 2, it was christened "Magnum" and received some new features. It was a five-shot kill and the first iteration to have an eight-bullet clip. These nerfs were added to balance out dual wielding, which brought some epic combos to the game (Pea-shooter/Magnum, SMG/Plasma Rifle). While it was rewarding to use, its kill time still made it a clear secondary to the Battle Rifle.
In Halo 3 the Magnum did not change much. The Battle Rifle and Assault Rifle clearly outshone it in many respects; it was used mainly for cleaning up headshots when the primary weapon of choice ran out of ammo. It also didn't have a scope, as I recall.
In Halo 3: ODST, the Magnum underwent a dramatic change. It became silenced and was pretty much useless against the Brutes; however, its scoped ability remained highly effect against Jackals and Grunts (yayyyy!!!).
In Reach, the Magnum was either a 5sk or 6sk, but it shot much faster. To compensate for this, bloom was added to prevent spamming. It remained an effective weapon; in te beginning of the game, the bloom reset faster than that of the DMR.
In Halo 4, the bloom remains and the Magnum is a six-shot kill. It is actually surprisingly effective--if you can manage the bloom. Firing faster makes for random outcomes, so pacing is key. Some say that a six-shot kill is not rewarding for the skill it takes to deal with bloom, or because the primary weapons are now buffed (#Halo4Turbo). Its damage was increased to promote teamshooting, but it remains a 6sk. 343i now however have the ability to tweak it with ease, so opinions on its transformation are welcome.
Which Magnum was the best? the worst? Do you think there should be different variants for multiplayer and campaign (stealth levels) or should it be consistent throughout both faculties? Leave your thoughts below; I'll reset the poll questions so they are less biased and so I can recollect the information after writing this lengthy post.




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Halo 4 Magnum is perfect, powerful, effective, but still an obvious secondary weapon. Though I also want an ODST pistol.


exacly exacly one of the things 343 wanted to do with the maungum is make it a secondry a wepon u would not run around with all the time

and ith the halo 4 magum just that

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  • 2 months later...

If we get silenced weapons, awe will then be able to put attachments on weapons....


I vote Reach/4- not too O or UP. Right amount of accuracy at all ranges and good range in scope. Easy to use, and deadly for a master.

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I think Halo 4s version is the best. I haven't played CE's multiplayer, but if it's similar to campaign I think it's a bit too powerful. In 2, 3 and Reach it was useless. I find myself often using it instead of the AR at medium range in 4. So 4s is the the best, but CE's is a lot better than 2s and 3s etc.

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I love the Magnum, Pistol, whatever you want to call it. It's been through many iterations, but I myself think the first version was the best. It is basically a balanced DMR: a five-shot kill, eight-bullet clip, no bloom, and 2x zoom. I know that people will feel comfortable using it because it's been in every Halo game; it will satisfy those players who want to have some ranged capability in their load-outs and still have an automatic primary. The best thing about it is that it is so balanced; miss a couple shots and you're screwed, but pace your shots and aim will, and you will get that satisfying finish; it gets the job done. Vote on what you want the Magnum to be like in Halo 5.

By the way, this is  my 117th post!

I actually like the Halo 4 magnum, I think it is a good and balanced weapon. I really didn't understand why Bungie made the ODST Pistol in ODST, I didn't really like it's look or its gameplay.

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Personally I'd like the Halo 3 magnum back... sort of. Even though everybody loves  the CE magnum (including myself) I feel that it, and even Halo 4's and Reach's don't fit the role of a secondary weapon. They seem more like a mini primary precision weapons like a DMR or BR but slightly weaker. I can remember multiple times that I've seen people going on a tear with the magnum on 4 and Reach or even playing entire games with it. At this point it doesn't feel like a secondary weapon that I would switch for a carbine or something as soon as I found one.The newer incarnation of the magnum is the key reason why dual wielding wasn't a viable option in Halo 4 or won't be in Halo 5(if they stick with this magnum, and to my knowledge a decent amount of people want dual wielding back). Meanwhile Halo 3's magnum was the exact opposite and was so worthless that you would almost stood no chance in h*ll if you had to switch to it in combat. Although some people were good with it, and the presence of dual wield made it semi decent. I think the next incarnation of the magnum should find a happy medium between total dog **** and mini primary weapon. Where you can fall back on it need be, but you cant run wild with it. Or just reduce it to Halo 3's and bring back dual wield. How it would work: One clip can't fully drain shields or smaller mag, no bloom, Halo 4's fire rate cap, 2x zoom can stick around since the visor zoom in Halo 3 was crap, also make it so that if it is dual wieldable it's accuracy goes to ****. With the magnum being nerfed it opens the doors to other dual wieldable or one handed weapons being introduced or being brought back such as the , SMG, spiker, mauler, brute or regular plasma rifle(even though the storm rifle replaced it), or forerunner one handed weapons that are counterparts to those previously mentioned. Since if any of these weapons were faced up against the current gen magnum they would get destroyed (similar to what happened in Reach) due to its higher damage, higher fire rate and headshot capability.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got exceptionally good with HALO Reach's magnum. It got to the point that I forgot about the assault rifle and DMR.

same as me, but i still kept going with the DMR and I'm so good with it i can head shot no scope same with BR and sniper

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All right, "Elite" said my poll was one-sided, so I'll remove my influential opinions (lol) and make some unbiased, boring points.


There are many options for Halo 5's Magnum. Each iteration throughout the saga has had its perks and flaws. In CE, the "Pistol" was great--a lightning-fast three-shot kill with 2x zoom, deadly accuracy, and a high skill-curve. Its two major flaws in my opinion were that it had a large clip (12 bullets, I believe), which forgave errant shooting, and it dominated all other non-power weapons, leading to sometimes monotonous--yet consistent--matches.

In Halo 2, it was christened "Magnum" and received some new features. It was a five-shot kill and the first iteration to have an eight-bullet clip. These nerfs were added to balance out dual wielding, which brought some epic combos to the game (Pea-shooter/Magnum, SMG/Plasma Rifle). While it was rewarding to use, its kill time still made it a clear secondary to the Battle Rifle.

In Halo 3 the Magnum did not change much. The Battle Rifle and Assault Rifle clearly outshone it in many respects; it was used mainly for cleaning up headshots when the primary weapon of choice ran out of ammo. It also didn't have a scope, as I recall.

In Halo 3: ODST, the Magnum underwent a dramatic change. It became silenced and was pretty much useless against the Brutes; however, its scoped ability remained highly effect against Jackals and Grunts (yayyyy!!!).

In Reach, the Magnum was either a 5sk or 6sk, but it shot much faster. To compensate for this, bloom was added to prevent spamming. It remained an effective weapon; in te beginning of the game, the bloom reset faster than that of the DMR.

In Halo 4, the bloom remains and the Magnum is a six-shot kill. It is actually surprisingly effective--if you can manage the bloom. Firing faster makes for random outcomes, so pacing is key. Some say that a six-shot kill is not rewarding for the skill it takes to deal with bloom, or because the primary weapons are now buffed (#Halo4Turbo). Its damage was increased to promote teamshooting, but it remains a 6sk. 343i now however have the ability to tweak it with ease, so opinions on its transformation are welcome.

Which Magnum was the best? the worst? Do you think there should be different variants for multiplayer and campaign (stealth levels) or should it be consistent throughout both faculties? Leave your thoughts below; I'll reset the poll questions so they are less biased and so I can recollect the information after writing this lengthy post.

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Then use a plasma pistol, i think a reach/odst magnum is where its at, sneakyness is key sometimes. Having a supressed magnum would be wicked for those times you just need to lay some headshots at medium range and not let the big guns know whats happening. The odst mag crossed woth he reach one would be crazy daisy

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Pistol in CE was classic! Does anyone remember how cool it was the first time you used the Pistol in CE to Mele and you see the Chief do that cool gun slinger pistol flip in his hand? That was when I knew the Cheif is friggin' awesome...I like this game. 

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