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The Future of the Magnum


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Before I'm hit over the head and buried alive here me out, I think we should have a magnum based on the tone of the level, for example in halo 2 during missions such as outskirts you had the c- variant, or police variant of the magnum, where as in missions that had ODST's you'd have the M6-S, or silenced Pistol, the same could be said for MP in which unedited maps have magnums preset where as in forge you have access to all. Ok I'm done hit me over the head now.      

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@Elite thank you for making me aware of the biased poll questions. Now that I look at it, it does seem odd that nearly half voted for the CE (3sk) pistol yet no one voted for for the 3sk pistol. Poll questions/options will be changed as soon as I can get my dusty computer up-and-running (editing polls on a 2G iPod is hell).

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I like the Halo: Reach magnum the most, closely followed by both Halo 4s and Halo CEs.

What I thought about for Halo 5 was that there could be 2 pistols. One like the current Halo 4 Magnum and one that is much less powerful, but can be dual-wielded.

This way, 343 could design other dual-wieldable weapons without letting them get too powerfull like the double-mauler or the double-needler.

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