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What Survivor Members Have to say!


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This Topic is for Survivor Contestants Only.

 All other members are  NOT allowed to  post in this thread. 


Here is the list of contestants for Survivor Halo Style!

JXZAWSeanM666SkummgummigubbeReal TalkHaloGeekYorkLil Dog,

 01-171 Abased EidolonElitePbrabbitDA Deztroyer, and Harbinger 



To all contestants Here is the Question of the Week.


Please tell everyone what your favorite moment from this weeks challenge was.  This is the first of many challenges and I look forward to hearing what you found enjoyable this week.

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My favorite moment would have to be learning more about forge for the challenge. I've forged in previous games, but I haven't tinkered around with forge since Halo 3 so obviously there are things to be learned.

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My favorite part of this week was learning things about our teammates.  Like for example Elite , he has many colorful ideas in maps. Also I never knew he was a big fan of mass effect 3 like how I am,and since than we play it quite a bit. Also HeWasNumbr3l,  man he is the funniest guy on the Earth, if you heard one of his jokes they are hilarious!. Also the rest of our teammates you can learn many things in survivor.

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Favorite Moments is such a general term, but I would love to tell my fellow teammates about my best moments from this week. FIrst of all, the most favorite moment for this week was probably when Elite and I were just hanging around the map chasing each other with banshees while at the same time giving feedback to Harbringer's and Littedog's, base building skills. Which I have to say are pretty great. Now you might question, why were those to members in Banshees while they were supposed to be helping. Well I can tell you one thing, Multi-tasking in real life is not something I Recommend. For Example, drivning a car and eating an Over-stuffed Taco, not a good idea..

But Multi-tasking in a video is something else. So while driving a banshee(without killing fellow teammates) and giving great feedback to teammates, you can get a lot of work done. So my Favorite moment was with Elite. But don't get me wrong, I love(in the most friendly way possible) all my teammates because they all have creative ideas and can make me laugh, a lot.

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When I tried to blow up someone's mongoose by boosting a banshee into it was number one; this may change as the challenge continues.

So far, this has come first.

Also another thing that I wont point at because AD will eat me if he sees it.

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