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Clan Invitation UUR

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Now that we got that out of the way, I would like like to invite any
players from the forums to join my clan called United Union Republic,
UUR. We are lax, we don't really have a schedule or anything. The only
requirements that we ask for is that you change your service tag (the 4
characters at the top of your spartant) and that you are a constant
dedicated player. By dedicated, we don't mean hardcore/you always have
to play with us or else you suck. We are just looking to have fun
gameplay and on the occasion have clan battles and join competition. On occasions we also play to complete the daily, weekly, and monthly challenges or any kind of ranking up such as commendations


The top dog of the clan is the president, UN DEFEATED 407(he might change his gamertag)


The second highest rank is leader, which is occupied my me (DanceFuquerDance or DanceFuqerDance can't remember) and King Krispy.


We have recruited members but they always just play for about a day and the only constant members are the ones listed above.


The service tag is made up by the initials of the clan name + your rank. So for example, my tag:


United Union Republic Leader.


Don't get on me about the name of the clan. I didn't even make it.

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