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Community Magic


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The following is just something I'm writing for fun.

Try to enjoy reading it

(And no, I'm not using my colour)


Part 1: An Intro to the Community


Just over a hill, past the Waypoint station and the Google Drome there was a community, bustling with both new and familiar faces.

This community was ran effectively by several different people.


The Mayor, Tyler Wam (no one knows what the T stands for), the chief of police, Andrew Dog and his deputies , Doctor Simon Partan, Sir Rocket Grammarville,  Tim Mayhem, George ShepardD, Skummi gummson and Albert Direction.


Amongst the many members of this community, were also government staff members, including Liam Littledog,Adam James and Dan Drizzy.


These people helped shape the bustling community into what it now is, a large welcoming township full of visitors, always willing to part with information and the regular smile and wave.


Although many of the members of the community were visitors, there were a few long time residents that deserve a mention.

Zack B , the community greeter, always lending a hand and greeting our wonderful visitors, the town Crier Az  Axxinator who loves to shout...apparently, and Mikey Zag , the local food expert...nuff said.


These dedicated residents, are always willing to help and support the new visitors to the community, both angry and happy, whether it be shine,hail or raining frogs.......not that it happens much.


The following collection of stories, while sorta short, will show off the many fun and exciting times enjoyed by the members of the township known as.......


Threeforthrey Iy 

(strange name I know, wonder why they just dont call it 343i <.<)



Part 2 Construction Fun


Today, Tyler Wam, the town mayor is planning some construction to update the current look of the town. This requires him to shut down most of the traffic systems and close the town off, directing people to the wonderful town of Forfor in OHio.


This led to the town being rather quiet and bare, not even the Trololol Bird could be seen OR heard.....which was kinda good.

Matt Syko had just finished work and walked right past the construction signs, too stuck into his day dream to see them.

Upon entering the town, he immediatly noticed something odd......Tyler Wam was actually.....outside......he usually sits in the shadows of his office, keeping the town running,but,here he was openly talking to Az Azaxxinator, who seemed to be talking up a storm(as usual)


Matt totally had to get in on this, so he casually walked over and stood nearby Tyler as he directed a few cranes to move around some nice decorations.


"G'day there Mr Wam" Matt said


"Oh...hi there Mr Syko...enjoying your day so far?" He replied"


Of course, just finished work, Didn't realise we were under contruction"


"Yeah, I'm just moving a few things aro.."


Tyler was interupted by this horrible beeping sound coming from seemingly everywhere


"Oh my god, what the hell was that!" Screamed Az


"Sorry, I'll turn that off soon" Tyler replied


"Wow, never knew we had speakers around here" replied Matt as he noticed the speakers sitting atop the street lights


"huh?... oh yeah, installed those years ago, no one noticed I dont think" Tyler responded


Matt pulled out some mail and crammed it into the nearest Threadbox.


"What was that?" asked Az, noticing Matt's mail


"Oh, just something I wanted to contribute" Replied Matt


"Hmm, I wonder if that will.." Tyler began




Az yelped in displeasure as the sound rang through his ears


"Hold on, I'll turn it off" Tyler said after recovering his composure from the loud noise.


A few seconds past before the beeping halted, but by that time, Az had retreated into his fortress of solitude....AKA His Bedroom/Laboratory


Matt quickly thanked Tyler Wam and began walking back to his own little fortress for some rest, work had been long and restless.



Part 3 A Little Debate


"No no no!" Shouted Matt


"Since you didn't reply to my threadbox, It most certainly doesn't count" Squawked Albert Direction


"That's not the point, I totally stumped you on this!" Continued Matt


"Maybe so, doesn't mean you win the prize, you had to post it in my..."


"You didn't know what an ANZAC biscuit was. So I stumped you and I still should have gotten the prize" Shouted Matt, fuming as he continued to growl as he did when he reaches anger


"Well too bad. Next time post it in the threadbox. No need to get so worked up over this man" replied a sympathetic Albert


"I..I suppose your right" Matt said as he regained his composure (and WHAT a composure it was ;D)


"Now how about we have a little fun..." Said a sly Albert as he typed away into his Ppad (Like an Ipad, but for the community police )


"What are you doing?" Matt asked, a question mark forming above his head


"Oh you will.....wait...WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" Shouted Albert as he saw the transparent question mark above Matt Syko's head


Matt looked up and saw what had formed above his head and jumped back in disbelief. He was about to yell when it changed into an exclamation mark.

This was too much for both of them and they turned on their heels and sprinted into the nearest building...


Unfortunately this building happened to be where all the trololol Birds had been caged until they could be shipped out to ForChanVille, B District.


Immediately the two were set upon by the birds and their harsh squawks 


"KAW..YOU SUCK!" squawked one




The birds insulted and screamed at Matt and Albert, using many MANY naughty and mean lines.


The two quickly backed out of the door and stood silently for a while...staring at the place that they had just entered, considering all the birds had said....


"You realise I still deserve that prize?" Matt said quietly


Part 4 Minion Recruitment Drive


"Well Hello everyone" Greeted a grinning Indy Signia


A few people nodded his way and returned to their buisness.


Indy stood grinning for abit, looking at the people around him before he slightly faultered and gave up on the slightly creepy grin (Jeff the Killer sorta grin soooo....yeah O_O)


"Im looking for someone to take up a position as my immortal minion of awesomness" Shouted out Indy as he placed a poster up on the wall nearest him


The poster stood out quite well....since it was like 4d or something, I dunno, just imagine a poster that was like really, REALLY stand outish 

is that a word?

ah well screw it back to the story


The poster was a massive picture of Indy and in tiny font (size two, yeah I know right?!) it said "Currently Looking for Minion"


The nearby Crier, Az Axxinator walked cautiously up and inspected the poster before turning to Indy


"Soooo, what sorta benefits do I get If I apply ?" Asked a curious George...uh....I mean Az


"Weeeellll......Lazer eyes,Steel Skin, Immortal life, Irresistible charms, Excellent training in awesomness, twelve cupcakes, some pieces of a chocolate cake aaaaand Free Dental...you know...from all the Chocolate your going to consume" Indy breathed in a loud gasp of air....yeah, he said ALL of that with on breathe <.<


"Hmmm, Sounds good actually, I guess I'll apply" Said Az as he grabbed the paper being handed to him by Indy.


He quickly signed and handed the paper back to Indy Signia who was standing their with that horrible, Jeff the Killer grin again.....*Author shudders*


He didn't even look at the paper before placing it into his pocket and producing his hand to Az, who took it and shaked his new master's hand.


The grin on Indy's face grew dark fairly quickly, not that it wasn't dark already, but it became more of a sinister grin then the grin it was before, which was more of a creepy gri.....never mind....the point is, he looked VERY sinister as he quietly said to himself...


"Now to rise above these fools and take my place as master of the UNIVERSE" The last word sort of came out in a yell. Many of the people stared at him awkwardly.


He laughed and grabbed his minion before storming down the street, chest puffed out and ego barely scraping past the brick and meta walls of the surrounding houses...


"Something tells' me this won't end well" Murmured a Quite lurky Charles Hoot'em







-----------------------------------------------------------More to continue if peeps like dish :3--------------------------------------------------

Edited by SykoWolf
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