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More custom based halo 5


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Add a new armory, but for all vehicles in halo 5 so you can customize your own vehicles, armour plating, colour, skins, special effects (flaming hornet or wraith would be awesome) etc.

Agree that this would be fantastic to have in matchmaking!


So this is how I think it would work, as you know in halo 5 you can have a hologram for a vehicle and when you activate it you jump into the vehicle (now only some game types have this)

If you could do this hologram idea for all vehicles in halo 5 you could get your own custom vehicle when activating it.

This would be a cool new idea only halo 5 will have of all games.



Add improvements and coments below and also if you have ANY similar ideas, post them as a coment to influence halo 5 to be more customizable and fun!

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